Making Monday [10]

Making Monday 10 is live!
I know I've said this week after week, but thank you guys for helping me grow this party! I really enjoy getting to see so many cool posts from such a wide range of bloggers!

Lori and I have been totally overwhelmed by y'alls response and decided we would share a few of our projects to help get the party going! So now not only will we each feature  different posts from the party but we will also share some of our own projects too :)

Last week Lori shared this amazing Chocolate Zucchini Cake.

Follow Lori from A Bright & Beautiful Life at any of these fab spots: 

I did lots of updating in our bedroom last week. But check this post about how to recover a lampshade.

Follow me with any of these bad boys:

Now on to the fab features for this week! And don't forget to head over to A Bright and Beautiful Life to see even more features!

Kaylor from Fisherman's Wife Furniture gave me a great idea for storing away unwanted dog "things". If you are a pet owner, you understand this dilemma. Pets have LOTS of stuff and usually it doesn't fit to well with the decor of your house. Right now Reed and I are really struggling with storage for Tepes stuff. But after reading this post I have a few ideas on how to fix our little "dilemma" :) Love her furniture rescue turned in to a feeding station for her 2 chocolate labs! Looks awesome Kaylor thanks for sharing!!

I thought I would go with the dog theme this week :) so to keep it going, here is another awesome dog loving feature! Christal from Hotch Potch Bliss shares a recipe for homemade oatmeal dog shampoo. Just like I said earlier, if you are a pet owner you understand the importance of treating your fur-baby well! Reed and I try to pay attention to the products we use for Tepe and we want them to be as healthy as they can! After reading this post by Christal I may just start making my own shampoo for Tepe! It sounds like it would let your pups skin feel so much better and when they feel better you know you do too :)

Thank you both for joining the party last week and I hope you come back to share some other fabulous posts/projects! Be sure to grab a button and share that you have been featured! And don't forget to check out A Bright and Beautiful Life for other fabulous features! 

Kitchen Table Art

And if you didn't get featured please don't feel sad! Head over to the Making Monday Pinterest board to see if you have been pinned! It is such a challenge to choose just a few projects to feature this week so the pin board allows us to share lots more projects with everyone! 

Kitchen Table Art
Can't wait to see what you have this week!! 

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