Making Monday [#8]

Not only is it party time but we have a NEW hostess this week! It's been more work than I expected to throw a party every Monday and Lori from A Bright and Beautiful Life offered to help me make the party everything we could have ever dreamed of!

So here is a quick introduction before we get the party going!
Lori is the creator of A Bright and Beautiful Life a former nurse, loving mom, wife, and grandmother. We share many of the same passions including beautiful art, good food, and growing our own little families the best we can. Lori and I have just recently met but are looking forward to getting to know each and every one of you as we learn more and more about each other!

Now on to our features from last week! Be sure to check out the Pinterest board that we pin each feature to and other fabulous projects through out each week!

Emily from Elizabeth Joan Designs wrote this awesome post about mixing your own paint color. I love this because I also have loads of partially used paint and love painting anything and everything. Paint is expensive so don't go out and buy an all new color if you think you have the shades, tints, and hues to create it yourself! Between this post about mixing and my previous post on the basics about color I feel like you could repaint a room perfectly :) 

Angela over at Creative Blossoming used a simple project we all do in elementary school and turned the out come in to some pretty fabulous custom art work for her living room. Ink blots are super interesting and with her tutorial you can learn how  to make them even more "grown up" by getting rid of the middle crease and even adding in colors that coordinate with your decor! Plus I love the way she framed and displayed these. Wish I had an open wall!! 

And finally check out this fabulous faux cast iron finish tutorial by Brianna at Craft Thyme. I am in LOVE with all things cast iron. I love my cast iron skillet and always drool over the Lodge section at stores... The only thing that makes it hard is that cast iron is usually really heavy, and can be pretty pricey at times. But with this tutorial you get that great cast iron look for cheap and can apply it to almost anything!! I'm thinking about making some outdoor furniture with this technique :) 

Ladies thank you SO much for linking these fabulous posts up with us last week! I hope that you will grab a feature button and be sure to share the party with your friends!!  

Kitchen Table Art

And even if you weren't featured this week or didn't even link up last week, PLEASE link up with us this week and share as many of your fabulous projects as you can! Plus once you link up grab the button and place it on your blog, or add a text link back to the party. And If you are pinning from any of these featured sites please pin from the original site!

Kitchen Table Art

PS I have a giveaway running right now and would love you to come enter! Check it out HERE

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