New Schedule and Blog Goals for 2014!

So, if you have read my Year In Review post then you got a glimpse of how much this blog has grown in just a year! But I plan to make it grow even further and create even more sweet friendships as 2014 rolls in. Here are a few of my hopes, dreams, goals, and schedule for the 2014 blog land year!

1. Post Monday - Friday. I have had a pretty consistent schedule since August and I saw tremendous growth but to help build the blog further (and keep my self a little more sane) I am creating a schedule and planning to post M T W TH F!! Fingers crossed that I can keep up! 

2. Make the Making Monday link party a destination for inspiration!!! I love seeing these amazing projects, recipes, and ideas you share so I want to push it to the next level for more people to see!!

3. Get over my fear of Pinterest. Yes I have a fear, love hate relationship, with Pinterest. I will tell you all about it one day.

4. Get advertising from other fabulous bloggers and ETSY shops up and going on the blog!

5. Get a sponsored post or two??? I would really love to pursue this more. I have yet to try it out so this goal may change, but I'm down to try it all!

2014 Weekly Schedule: 

MONDAY: (goes live Sunday at 8pm EST) Making Monday Link Party w/ Lori of A Bright and Beautiful Life
TUESDAY: (goes live Monday at 8pm EST) Project/Life Post!!
WEDNESDAY:  (goes live Tuesday at 8pm EST) ETSY finds and shop updates.
THURSDAY: (goes live Wednesday at 8pm EST) Thankful post. Round up from the KTAThankful Project on Instagram.  (more on this later).
FRIDAY:  (goes live Thursday at 8pm EST) Failure Friday!! Yep I'm going there. I'm going to post the "oops" I experience through out the week with y'all, everything from DIY, to cooking, to learning to be a wife, sister, daughter, friend, and follower of Christ.

While I hope to stick with this schedule, I'm a pretty spontaneous person so it may get switched around a tad bit but shoot, thats what makes life interesting!

** And don't forget once a Month I will be hosting a giveaway with Like A Saturday!

I will start these Monday January 6th so be prepared my friends!! You are gonna be getting lots more of the adventures of Gracie, Tepe and Reed living in the boondocks this coming year :)
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