Top 5 Posts of 2013

Thought I would jump on the band wagon and review my life in blog-land this past year.

June I really began to push my blog in new directions. I reached out to some amazing women who I now consider great friends. I have grown my "stats" by more than I ever thought but just like my church says, everyone of those numbers has a name, and I intend to consider each one of these page views, followers, and commenters as a person that I'm starting a new friendship with :) I am so thankful and blessed by each one of you and can't wait to see what new relationships sprout as 2014 begins!!

First I wanna share some of the new projects I'm blessed to be a part of with some lovely ladies.

The first project was my Making Monday parties with Lori of A Bright and Beautiful Life. I started these parties on my own but Lori quickly asked if she could join and boy am I glad she did! it has been so fun to chat with each other about ideas and how we can make sure that each of YOU are seeing the best of the party each week :)

Then I decided to go with a Monthly Giveaway. I reached out to my new bloggy bestie Rachel from Like A Saturday and boy did these giveaways take off! Now we rotate who picks the prizes each month but both always choose from small/local businesses or ETSY shops. It has been amazing to work with all of these talented people and help them grow along with us!!

Next I've been asked to take part in a Look for Less Challenge group. So far we have had one challenge and are planning another for January. But man is it fun and a great way to meet some fabulous ladies!!

Now lets move on to the top 5 most popular posts of 2013!!!

First is my Hopes and Dreams post. This was the big reveal of my new start as a blogger and my first giveaway that inspired the Monthly Giveaway series! The giveaway is closed (obviously) but you can still head over and read about my decision for joining the blog world full force.

Second is the Paper Star Tutorial. Yep this one was pretty popular. And guess what I am so happy with that because I was obsessed with it too :) ( And yes I realize I misspelled Divine, but guess what no one pointed it out to me until a WEEK AGO! Y'all are slackers)

Third is the Foam Core Cornice Board. LOVE THESE. Made the room look 100 times more finished than bare windows. And yes I still need to finish other things but obviously y'all liked it too :)

Fourth was my Vintage Trunk Make-Over. This one was easy, paint, and table legs! And it made a huge statement, not only in stats but in my living room too :)

Five is the only one that made a splash in the statistics before I jumped in to blogging. The DIY Screen Door was made in our old house back in February. It worked fabulously to keep our little pantry out of reach of the pup.

And thats it!! My wrap up for 2013 to 5 most popular posts!
Now I want to share some of my personal year accomplishments. This year has been BIG for Reed and I, but I'm gonna keep it simple with a short lists with links for you to check back on :)

January:  After six months of marriage Reed and I decided we could handle a Puppy! The first official introduction of our fur-baby Tepe!
February: I got all ooie-gooie about being married. Then I pretended to be a photographer and helped a friend out by capturing their beautiful wedding!
March: Reed made his all time favorite chicken recipe, and named it Chicken Bombs.
April: For Easter my family got together and decided to go all preppy on me. Check out these home made Feather Bow Ties!
May: I had my first ever Art Show filled with my projects from my senior year. And then Reed and I both graduated from Clemson University!!
June: I took the month off to get ready to Move after Reed accepted a dream job and we had some rad family vacation time!
July: Settling in to York was a bit hard and I wrote about it a couple times :) Boondocks house (before I got a hold of it) Settling In and getting over myself.
August: I did some big things on the blog! I shared most of them above. But I also did some big things for my Studio! Think Big Fund. I GOT A STUDIO!!  OH and Reed and I celebrated 1 year of marriage (wahhhhhhh).
September: I decided to do some posts more related to my art school education, and shared things about how to use color! I also started my daily walk to the mail box and have learned so much from that quick walk!
October: Birthday month!! I shared how my house looks on a normal basis. Was really focusing on how I could bring joy to God. And ended the month with the Look for Less challenge!  
November:  I really focused on my ETSY shop and gave a quick update. And started decorating for Christmas :) oops!
December: Was a bit overwhelmed but totally blessed with an outrageous growth in my ETSY shop. Visited lots of family and kinda took a break from blog land and shared my heart on Christmas. December was a great month!

2013 was a big year. I accomplished and learned a lot. I couldn't help but been unbelievably emotional. But man I am so thankful for each of you, new friends, new readers, and all of the new opportunities that have been given to me. I love it here and am so glad that you all accepted me with open arms!

Here is to new growth, new friends, and new projects in 2014!! 
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