Studio-Guest Room Tour

Well, I figured it would be good to finally do an official tour of our studio-guest room space.
If you where wondering around the blog before Christmas you probably saw most of this room when I posted about the DIY Chalkboard Murphy Bed we made. And if you saw last week I posted the tutorial on how we made it! If you missed both of those you should totally go check them out because we are pretty proud of them around here :)

We made it through the holidays with this new space and boy did it help make our little boondocks house feel like we had enough space to accommodate our family. Now that we are cleaned up from the hustle and bustle, undecorated from Christmas and redecorated I am finally able to share our Studio- Guest Room!

First of all the color of the room is "Sprinkle" by Valspar. It is 1 shade lighter than the "aquatic mist" we have going on in the kitchen :) I love bright colors and this sweet color totally quenched my need for some fun and spunk in my creative space.

We needed space for everything. This room went form giant closet, to unusable attempt at a guest room/ studio to now something we can use as a closet, studio, and guest room! You can see that Reed made a rack to display his collection of fishing rods. And if I was to open that closet door next to it you would see a hunting gear for every season, and Reeds dress clothes :)

Then we have our book shelf that has everything from text books to fabric pens stored on it. And yes we also have a tower heater in their because we have learned that heating each room is more efficient in this old house than trying to heat the entire house with one heat source.

Then I have my brand new sewing machine on top of my new to me Singer sewing machine table! I repainted the table and will occasionally use the antique but really hope that one day I will have space to display it.

Then those crazy shelves with nearly every art supply known to man displayed/stored on them!!
Our degrees, totally rad desk, and my fabric bin.

I got this new fish eye lens from Reed and despite the fuzzy-ness I really love it! Now y'all can really see the room and how it all works together!
The door on the left on the picture above is the entrance to the room.

Next is our big ol' murphy bed! 

Totally business space, well degrees, desk, and where I store most of my shipping materials. ( You can't see it but behind the desk i have an ungodly amount of cardboard boxes...) 

The craft attack wall :) Yep, this is what you see when you walk in and even though my mom says it looks like a grandmas house I like it!

So there you have it! More than you ever wanted to know about a quirky guest room/studio!
Don't forget to go check out my posts on the Murphy bed! We have the tutorial and the preview of how it functions too!
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