Rit Dye Papasan Cushion

Do y'all remember my post back around Christmas time when I made my own Papasan Chair Cushion (click here to see the full tutorial)? Well with the cold winter weather it basically was used as a massive dog bed for Tepe, which means it got real muddy and covered with paw prints.

So I decided to take it off, wash it, and dye it so maybe the color wouldn't be so obvious. But sadly  my last tutorial didn't include a way to take the cushion off to wash. So I kinda redid a few things. First off, I used Rit liquid dye sunshine orange and followed the directions on the bottle. 
When dying drop cloth be sure to wash it before hand, they can be pretty dirty even right out of the package. It also helps to have your cloth totally wet when adding the dye. Just fill up your washer with warm water and add the dye. I used the entire bottle because I had a large amount of cloth. And I wish I had more because it didn't turn out as vibrant as I was hoping for. But I will just re-dye it the next time I go to wash it :) 

So, ya know that last time I didn't include a way to get the pillows out for washing. So this time I added in snaps along the edge and used them to do a bit of tufting too. I  thought I was going to kill myself trying to figure these out. Thennnnn this beautiful little blue tool snuck in to my life and it was AWESOME! All you do is snap the two pieces in place of the tool and pinch the fabric in between. 

Once you pinch the top and bottom pieces in to the fabric you will be able to use the snaps like normal! So all you gotta do is have enough snaps to leave an opening wide enough to pull out your cushioning when ready for washing :) 

Then all that is left to do is enjoy it! I was staging a photo shoot to get some good shots of the newly dyed cushion but Reed took over and had a little midday nap. I guess thats a good sign :) 

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