ReBranding! Kitchen Table Art - Grace Langdon Art

Hey y'all I've been off and on blogging for a while now.
I love blogging so I'm not ready for a break and specially not ready to give it up all together!
So what I've decided to do is connect my art and my blog. I started this transition a few months ago when I started my art lesson series >>>>> link on side bar :)
But now I'm gonna take it to the next level and get rid of Kitchen Table Art all together! I loved the name and it meant a lot to me but as an artist I need something easily identifiable so my name it is!
Now you can find me under Grace Langdon Art on everything (ETSY, Instagram, Twitter, working on Facebook)! It may take a little bit to get used to and to transition every link BUT I'm confident it's the right choice and that our relationship is good enough for you to follow me through this transition :) Luckily y'all won't have to re-follow me because I was able to simple change my names/handles. But PLEASE remember when your trying to get in contact with me that Kitchen Table Art no longer exists!

So finally, here are all of my Social Media and Shop links with the updated name!

Now, heres a tiny explanation for all those STORE photos flooding my social media!
At the moment I'm on a crazy adventure to see what it's like to have a PHYSICAL REAL LIFE STORE FRONT!

This new adventure is a huge blessing from the Lord and just proof that when you listen to Him he will lead you places you never expected you would be. I never thought that moving to the boondocks would give me a once in a life time chance to open up an artistic boutique that features all kinds of talented artists. I'm excited to see how the community reacts and where we go from here. So be sure to check out my social media where I update almost daily :)

Oh, and if you are anywhere close to York, SC come visit me! I would love to have y'all stop in and say hey :) 
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