
2019 Year-End Review

Uhhhhh what?! Excuse me 2019 is over?! No way.


I’m writing this review after a few days of renewing my soul with lots of baking shows, cookies, coffee, and wine. It’s funny how in the small business world the end of the year is like this weird feeling of “I’m done!” and also “I have to get ready!”. So I’ve chosen to take the approach of collecting all the materials I need to start 2020 with a bang but leaving the planning for January 1. Well, really January 2nd because I’ve got a good staycation planned with my husband December 31st and January 1st.

Part of my “preparing to plan” was to collect some data from 2019, which is why I am here writing this blog post. Because, DANG Y’ALL! This year I did over 140 custom portraits for you.


So many reasons that number sparks pure joy. 1. that means over 100 of you have found my work worth spending your hard-earned money on. 2. It means many of you have chosen to come back to support me again and again. 3. It means my business is growing.

I could go on but what I want y’all to know is when I look back at the growth that occurred it isn’t the number of sales, the dollar amount, or followers/subscribers I gained. The most important lesson I learned in 2019 was in late November. It was a slow process but once it clicked, man was it a game-changer. I was hust-le-ling hard all year. I was trying to prove that I could do this, that my art degree wasn’t bogus, that I wasn’t unorganized, that I wasn’t “just a mom” (as if that isn’t hard enough on its own). So many things I wanted to prove that I could do, it was driving me to be constantly working, constantly hustling and when something didn’t go just right I felt awful. Finally after realizing all that hustle wasn’t bringing me joy I gave it up. I realized to be the person, wife, mom, artist, and business owner that God created me to be I needed to SLOW THE HECK DOWN!

Yep, right in the middle of my busy season, I decided to STOP HUSTLING. This moment was the defining moment of my year. It doesn’t mean I stopped working, I was still painting constantly and making sure I stayed on top of my social media, email list, finances, and all that jazz. But I started waking up 2 hours earlier than LJ to start my day with the Lord, the one who gave me all of this in the first place. So I slow my mind, empty all the to-dos, read and pray. Adding in this simple step has slowed me down and kept me renewed each remaining day of 2019.


I’m excited to carry this new practice in to 2020. The intentionality of starting my day this way spreads into other parts of my life and business. I’m now more intentional with the tasks I choose to accomplish for my business. I’m more intentional about the time and conversations had with friends and family. So I believe 2020 will be a huge year for me and this little business. I believe I will see undreamed of growth in sales, numbers and most importantly joy.

So maybe this is a little bit of an unconventional “year-end review”. But what I want you to know is hustle doesn’t mean better, busy doesn’t mean happy, and a full schedule doesn’t equal joy. Slow down. Be intentional with your time, laugh at your kids, snuggle your husband, enjoy the work you are doing. I know I plan to do all of those things all year long and every year hear on out!

Passion is Contagious

Over the weekend I got to take part in an awesome online conference given by Emily Jeffords. Emily is a fabulous artist in Greenville, SC and someone I have followed on Instagram for some time. When my boss (with the gallery) offered to "send" me to the conference for work I was SO pumped and knew that it would benefit the gallery but also my own art business. So for 2 hours I soaked in all that Emily could share and now I want to share how it inspired me personally :)

Most of what Emily talked about was how when we begin to be authentic but follow a story line our followers will begin to share our vision and become more interactive. That may seem super simple and you may be going "duh Gracie". But as a creative person sometimes I don't think that my process is interesting, I don't always feel like sharing an unfinished painting, or the sketch for a furniture design. To me thats just a place for people to see my weaknesses. Emily totally blew that theory of mine out of the water. She said passion is contagious. For something to be contagious you have to put it out there for others to share with you! DUH!

So I decided, my heart is in sharing the beauty of art, all art. If I think that is beautiful what is it that makes it beautiful to me? Well mostly the story behind each piece. I LOVE the history and knowing what happened to the artist to influence that design, or the color pallet they chose. If that is what I love about art then I guess I should share it about my art too. So I am committing myself to share the stories and process behind my pieces.

I'm committing to sharing my entire passion, not just the finished product.

I want all of you to see what I see when I look at a new piece of art. I want you to understand the process behind it, the hours put in to it, and the exhausting debates that went on to make that piece what it is.

I hope to curate my Instagram to be a place that really shows the beauty in what I am lucky enough to do daily and I would LOVE it if you followed along with me :)

Grace Langdon Art ||  Sozo Gallery

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