Custom Wine Buffet

Guess what peeps!!??! 
This is my first ever commissioned piece of furniture! I L-O-V-E furniture but until recently I usually just redo things. Ya know, paint, refinishing, small things. But luckily with the way my etsy shop has grown I've been able to save up to do some of my bigger projects. But this one is even more exciting than saving and doing something for myself, this piece was COMMISSIONED. Meaning somone actually believed in me to get me to do something totally just for them. sayyyyy waaaa :) 

So here is a great big post of basically just detail shots of my first ever commissioned piece of work :)

This is a 70in wine buffet that can hold up to 10 wine bottles and 16 wine glasses. 
Perfect for a party!! 
Made with pine and steel we left it all very raw for a primitive and rustic look. 
The glass top keeps everything really open and light. And what a fun way to choose what you want to sip that night :) 

Basically, Reed and I are in love. We can't get over how awesome this was to build and if we had space in our house we may not have been willing to give it up! We also wouldn't be able to fill it up with wine so we decided it needed a good home that could give it all it was capable of.  

And of course Tepe had to model :) She is too funny, I tried my hardest to get her out of the way and she literally sat there for most of the shots. Eventually she chased after a falling pine cone and let me get to work!

Also, I'm getting ready to head out of the country for the Holidays. So no more posts from me for a while, not even parties :( I hope you guys take this break too and enjoy your family while being unplugged. Merry Christmas and can't wait to catch up in a few weeks!! 

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