Making Monday 68

I know it's kinda early but to me Christmas is like NEXT WEEK. Yeah I'm crazy cause it's not. 
But the reason I feel that way is because Reed and I will be heading to Nicaragua to spend the holidays with his family and we are leaving SO SOON! I'm pretty much stoked. So, to get ready for all of that travel and good time in 80 degree weather with lots of family (eek soo good sounding!) I'm shuttin a few things down. First, today (monday the 8th) is the last day my ETSY shop will be taking orders, so go check it out and buy something :) and Second, I wont be hosting another Making Monday until 2015, say waaaaa?! I know thats a long way off but being gone for a while and then getting back in to the swing of things I think it will be easier on us all if I don't try and remember to party hard with y'all every monday :) 

All that to say, last party of 2014 so lets GET IT STARTED!! 

This is a party where you can find fun new creative ideas and tasty recipes shared by amazingly talented people. Every Monday bloggers stop by to link up their posts and share with all you party goers. By joining in {both bloggers and non-bloggers} you will discover new blogs, be inspired to make something new, try a yummy new recipe, and most importantly make new friends!
This party is hosted by Gracie and me, and your projects will be shared on both of our blogs. We love that you're here and we love featuring you on our social media so be sure to follow us so you can see if your post gets shared!
We also pin to our Making Monday Pinterest board and we'd love to have you follow along! This is a place you can find projects from all the previous parties, too, so it is like a party every day!

Last week I was apart of an awesome Christmas Traditions blog tour. Be sure to check out my post about Figuring Out Holiday Traditions and start from the beginning for 25 posts from other fab ladies! 

Now it's time to share some of Y'ALLS awesome work! Here are just a couple of the goodies y'all have been sharing lately :)

1. Every party and holiday event needs a good drink. Check out this Mulled Wine Recipe for a festive twist.

2. Silver bellllllsss, it's Christmas time in the cityyyy. Yep, here is a DIY to make your own Silver Bells

3. And if you wanna get festive with your treats try this Twinkie Christmas House!

4. Sometimes in the winter a girl just needs to get warm! Try out this Homemade Heating Pad. 

I hope that you guys are loving this party as much as I am! Can't get over all the awesome stuff that gets shared week after week!

   And don't forget if you didn't make it as a feature this week to check out the Pin board and to keep linking up, next week could be you!
Kitchen Table Art

Don't forget to check out our Pinterest board where we pin plenty of projects from each party!

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