Master Bedroom Makeover vol. 1 - Dresser Revamp

Y'all, this is the longest Reed and I have lived in a single home. I mean it's only our second house together and it still isn't "ours" but we've been here almost two years so it's like time to make this thing "finished". And by finished I mean all of those "we just moved in half done projects" need to be checked off. And don't judge me, yes we have been here over a year and a half and I still have a couple of those projects laying around...

Our "master" bedroom (just one of the two bedrooms in the house, nothing "master" about it) was never finished. We kinda just threw our furniture and clothes in and said TA DA a bedroom!

I had a big list of things I wanted to do to this room and the first one was make our furniture "match". We still have our hand me downs cheap or free furniture and we love it. I'm not the type of person that wants to go buy a bedroom suit. I would rather find a really cool bed, a rad dresser, and whatever else just slowly collect to make my space perfect. So I didn't really mind the mismatch but at the same time it was just not put together. We had like 5 different wood stains going on and I just couldn't handle it any more! 

So for Vol. 1 of our bedroom makeover was to get our furniture to look like it at least belongs in the same space! That meant I needed to refinish the dresser to match the bed. (Love the bed. It was a gift and so we decided to center the room after its name sake, the bed.)

Luckily the mirror I had matched the finish of our bed so seriously it was just refinishing this super simple dresser. The stain I used was Red Mahogany by Minwax and painted the frame with Ivory Dust by Valspar. Seriously, like the simplest thing ever. I lightly sanded and applied the stain or paint and DONE. But as you can tell in the before and after it made a HUGE difference. No more orangey wood that didn't fit with anything I had, at all. 

Basically I'm pretty happy with it and am excited about how easy and life changing (yes, I know so dramatic but hey it's January) Vol. 1 of our makeover has been. 

I keep saying Vol. 1 so maybe if you are like real interested in my life you may be wondering what the other Volumes will be. Well, in the pictures above you can see part of Vol. 2! One of our biggest struggles with this house is lack of storage and we basically had stuff falling all over the place. So we have built a shelving unit along one of our bedroom walls. It's a slow process because we are kinda making it up as we go. Basically I didn't realize how many shelves Reed was gonna need for t-shirts and hats so it's taking longer than I thought ha. 

I wanted to throw in this picture because I felt like I was lying to you in some of my pictures of my dresser. Our room looked so uncluttered and fresh. Well if I turned to capture the other half of the room this is what it looked like.... all my clothes on the floor cause I didn't put them back in the dresser yet, 2 dog beds, and a boot dryer. Perfect blog material :) What are some of your undone projects you are hoping to check off the list this year?? 

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