Not Losing Your Dreams

So, long time no blog right?! OOPs :)

Well, I have made a goal for myself to start blogging, just writing once a week. I am not sure what I will be sharing, just life. For me that means sharing my faith, things I am learning in my marriage, and of course my creative dreams.

There are plenty of DIY blogs, cooking blogs, and even artists teaching their skills. I don't want to be "competitive" with them. I just want to get back to writing because I always feel better after "talking it out".

I hope you find my ramblings to be something that inspires you to follow your dreams and share your faith.

First up, I will just give ya a little recap of my life since about a year ago.

April 2015 I started as gallery manager for Sozo Gallery in Charlotte, NC.

June 2015 Reed and I started to help build NewSpring Church in Rockhill, SC. We LOVE the community we have gained and can't believe we did life for so long with out it! We started meeting in a living room, then moved to 2 houses, took a big leap to meet in a CrossFit gym, and are now meeting in a local school with the average attendance hovering around 300 people and growing! Our minds are completely blown at how God has shown up!

August 2015 I rebranded myself and got a fabo new logo. I mean I love it like times a million.

October 2015 Reed and I finally took a step of faith and lead a group of 8 friends to Nicaragua for a missions trip to our parents pineapple farm. It was a HUGE learning experience and something that we both want to continue to do in the future. Sharing our faith, and love of Nicaragua is something God has put on our hearts and we don't plan to ignore it :)

March 2016 I decided I wanted to take another step towards my dream of selling my artwork. I did a lot of soul searching, spoke with mentors, and finally, started to find myself in the paint. I then created a few pieces that my heart skipped a beat for and launched my online studio and had my first sale in less than two days!

Now I am about to celebrate 1 year at Sozo, start our 2nd year in NewSpring RockHill, and start our 4th year in York, SC! To say that God has been a good good father is an understatement. He brought Reed and I to a place of overflowing joy in every aspect of our lives and I couldn't be happier for how we got here. GOD IS GOOD!

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