Christmas In The Community & Building the Church!

So, you are probably wondering why my first post in over 6 months is about Christmas, and Christmas has already past... I know, I'm feeling the same way. 

Back in November I was contacted by Christmas Tree Market to pick out one of their trees to decorate for a local organization. At first I didn't think I knew an organization that needed me to do that. During this same time I was helping build my local church in Rock Hill SC. Reed and I had been involved for a while but with Christmas coming closer we were both realizing that some of our talents could be used in ways that were really needed to reach others far from Christ. 

Right now our Church is less than a year old and we see an average of just over 200 people each week. We have started meeting in a CrossFit Gym which means Sunday mornings start early with a load in crew. So during the Christmas season we really grew closer as a church as we spent so many early mornings prepping the space to transform from a gym to a cozy and welcoming winter wonderland. 

We chose the 7.5 ft Fraser Fir  for our tree. Because of our load in load out situation needed the tree to be easy to put together, but still look like a million bucks! This tree was PERFECT! It came in 3  pre-lit sections and a base. And it even fit nicely back in the box with out much fuss :)

We had so much fun setting up and decorating each week. We hosted over 300 people and created so many fun memories!! Thank you for giving us the tools to create a fabulous space, Christmas Tree Market!!

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