In the kitchen

4 Ingredient Blueberry Bake

Basically, this blueberry bake is ah-mazing! Reed came home about 2 weeks ago with about 6 lbs of fresh blueberries so I was trying my hardest to come up with recipes to use them in. This one was a hit and even though blueberry season is over, I HAVE to share this recipe. It is the easiest and one of the best things I've ever made and I'm sure you can modify it to which ever fruit is in season :) 

All you need is 4 ingredients. Yep, FOUR!
1 cup of blueberries
1/2 cup of sugar
1 box of yellow cake mix
1/3 cup of butter

I've made this twice now and kinda played around with the amounts of each ingredient, you can add more or less sugar to your liking and the same with the butter.
I've also used 2 different type of cake mixes, and my favorite was the always faithful jiffy mix :)

Here are the ever so simple steps to making your mouth water :)
1. spray a baking dish with cooking spray and add your blueberries
2. Mix your berries and sugar until all your berries are coated.
3. In a separate bowl mix your cake mix and sugar. (depending on if you want your batter more cake-y or like a crumble adjust your butter amounts)
4. Layer your cake mixture over your blueberries
5. Finally, bake on 350 degrees until golden brown!

Yep, it is really that simple. 4 ingredients and 5 steps until you can have this deliciousness in your mouth! Like I said I'm sure you can adjust this to your fruit that is in season. We have also made this with peaches and it is another family favorite :) 

If you try it out with something new let me know! I would love to hear what y'all bake up :) 

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Sausage Veggie Skillet

Alright, I'm not a food blogger by any means.
I'm not even someone that would consider myself a cook. 
My mom still thinks my husband cooks every meal for us... 

But this year I've learned a lot about cooking and how to prepare meals for our little family of 2 (one of us eats like 4 so most of our meals are rather large...). I've started meal planning which helps a lot with being creative with your food. And as much as I'm not a huge Pinterest-er I've found that I'm a HUGE fan of other more talented cooks sharing recipes. This recipe is just that. I found it on Pinterest from The Comfort of Cooking (you can check the original one out HERE). 

Basically, I clicked on it the first time because its beautiful. 
I mean look at all those colors and textures! Plus I needed a new way to cook veggies other than just baking them. I've posted the link to the original pin like 4 times on Facebook, shared it with lots of friends and made it at least 6 times this summer. Basically we love it and I'm so glad I found it :) 

So here is my spin on the Sausage Veggie Skillet! (And yes it is different from the original, mostly because I never follow recipes, but also because I cook with what I have on hand.) 

What you need: 
Olive Oil
1 Zucchini
1 Yellow Squash
1 Red Bell Pepper
4 Red Potatoes
1/2lb of ground sausage
3 cloves minced garlic
1T Italian Seasoning
Ground Pepper
1/2t Garlic Powder

What you do: 
Step 1: Brown sausage in your skillet (I use venison sausage but use whatever you have) and remove from skillet. 
Step 2: Cube up potatoes and roast, covered, until soft. (This can take a while, and be sure to add in your olive oil and keep them moving so they don't burn!)
Step 3: Sauté diced onion and bell pepper.
Step 4: Once the onion and bell pepper are almost done add in the zucchini and squash. 
Step 5: Once all veggies are mostly cooked add back in your sausage and seasonings. 
Step 6: Cover and let cook another 5 minutes on low. Once all veggies are soft you are ready to roll! 

Now I'm gonna go eat it!
Yes, I made this earlier tonight but Reed isn't home yet so I'm waiting (not so) patiently to dig in!
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