
real quick

Alright, I'm exhausted. Being engaged totally wipes you out. I've only been engaged for 2 weeks and I'm tired of looking at wedding stuff. It is time to make stuff happen!!
So, I would really love to chat with you guys but I'm tired.
 I have a crazy schedule this semester plus planning a wedding.
So here is a little bit of what I have been doing.

1. Another pallet project for a client of Erin Galloway.

2. And this is a pair of TOMS that my little sister got for Christmas so I could paint on them :) 

Sorry this is kinda boring. I'm just tired. I've got a lot going on but in a little over a week I will have my first 3 assignments from studio to share!


I know I haven't done as many posts as promised but I have a good reason. This holiday season wasn't too terribly hectic so I was focusing on having good time at home. What I qualify as good time is quality time with the people I love, it doesn't have to be full of exciting parties or really anything at all it's just uninterrupted time. I got back to Columbia the third week of December and got to spend a lot of time with my family. My original goal was to finally catch back up on my blogging and to even do some revisions for you guys; however, I was enjoying my good time with the fam.

So, I'm just gonna give a quick over view of all of my projects from the holiday season.

The Holidays are great because I get lots of fun projects! This project was for a friend from Clemson who is engaged to a pretty big Gamecock fan.

I also got to do another pair of TOMS for a friend while I was home over break. I really enjoyed this pair because she gave me free rein and just gave me a few things that she thought could inspire me. Her only requirement was that she wanted 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 ("Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus").

Even though I love the free time over the holidays to do projects on my own schedule, I do think that my friends and family get a little tired of my gifts... This year I did better and didn't give EVERYONE a homemade gift. But Reed will get one every year...

This year I knew that he really wanted a large cooler. He talked non-stop about his buddy Cody's cooler that he could fit all of his deer meat in when taking it to the processor. So I decided to make a Reed a meat locker for Christmas. I was attempting to make the top of it look like the cooler was open and full of meat ready to be grilled. Sadly, I think the cup holders messed up the illusion. This was a new techinque that I had never tried before, I think it was pretty successfull for a first try.

-Funny story- I got the pictures printed at Wal-mart and when I went to pick them up the lady asked what my pictures where of so she could find them quicker. I tried to avoid saying raw meat so I just told her the size and number of prints I was picking up. Sadly, this did not suffice and she asked for the content. Once I said raw meat she didn't talk to me again. I guess it would be kind of creepy for some random person to print 16 pictures of raw meat...

Now I'm back at school and ready to start the Spring semester. I can't wait to get back in the studio I'm taking nothing but studio classes which is WAYYYY exciting! Be looking out for new sculptures, photographs, and prints from printmaking!! All of these classes are going to be very tedious and time consuming but I can't wait to get my hands dirty again! 

-Also, I have made a Facebook page for the blog and am working on an Etsy store, if you have any advice pleeeeeaaassssseeee share. I am most definitely not tech. savvy. 