
Passion is Contagious

Over the weekend I got to take part in an awesome online conference given by Emily Jeffords. Emily is a fabulous artist in Greenville, SC and someone I have followed on Instagram for some time. When my boss (with the gallery) offered to "send" me to the conference for work I was SO pumped and knew that it would benefit the gallery but also my own art business. So for 2 hours I soaked in all that Emily could share and now I want to share how it inspired me personally :)

Most of what Emily talked about was how when we begin to be authentic but follow a story line our followers will begin to share our vision and become more interactive. That may seem super simple and you may be going "duh Gracie". But as a creative person sometimes I don't think that my process is interesting, I don't always feel like sharing an unfinished painting, or the sketch for a furniture design. To me thats just a place for people to see my weaknesses. Emily totally blew that theory of mine out of the water. She said passion is contagious. For something to be contagious you have to put it out there for others to share with you! DUH!

So I decided, my heart is in sharing the beauty of art, all art. If I think that is beautiful what is it that makes it beautiful to me? Well mostly the story behind each piece. I LOVE the history and knowing what happened to the artist to influence that design, or the color pallet they chose. If that is what I love about art then I guess I should share it about my art too. So I am committing myself to share the stories and process behind my pieces.

I'm committing to sharing my entire passion, not just the finished product.

I want all of you to see what I see when I look at a new piece of art. I want you to understand the process behind it, the hours put in to it, and the exhausting debates that went on to make that piece what it is.

I hope to curate my Instagram to be a place that really shows the beauty in what I am lucky enough to do daily and I would LOVE it if you followed along with me :)

Grace Langdon Art ||  Sozo Gallery

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