design challenge

Encyclopedia Side Table

If you kept up with me via social media while I was off the blog grid then you saw me post this fabo table not too long ago. This was one of those projects that I had all the pieces laying around for ages and I just never did anything. But then I did and I instantly didn't want to sell it. 

Reed and I finished this piece off back in about February but I just never found a spot I wanted to photograph it. Then I did, right in my own living room and I fell even more in love. But alas, I do not need another table, despite how cool this one is so it's up for grabs. 

This awesome side table features some 1950's  world encyclopedias, mid century modern table legs, vintage beveled glass, and hardware. 

That list is sure full of history. Each material has so many story lines etched on its surface and I am IN LOVE with it. I wanted the table to feel like it was made from history and I think that was achieved nicely by the simple design. 

The best part of the table is the negative space between the binding on the books and the glass top. 

Such beautiful lines that allow each material to stand on its own. 

 I hope the home that this little table finds loves it as much as I do.

All this history needs a place to be the center of attention, and those lines need some loving too :)

I am hoping to pump out a new furniture design every month for the remainder of the year. Join me on Instagram to keep up to date on the progress and I will be sharing the final products here!!

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Design Challenge: Look For Less

Welcome to my first ever blogger challenge! The Look For Less design challenge is hosted by myself and 6 other fabulously talented homemakers and bloggers. We would all love for you to roam around our blogs and make it to as many hosts as you can :) I'm looking forward to hearing your feedback on my look for less!!

Here is a sneak peak of everyones project so be sure to check them all out! 
 1.Life on Virginia Street - DIY wood bead chandelier
2. Like a Saturday - Drink Station
3. Sewing Barefoot - Coasters
4. Absolutely Arkansas- Build Your Own Board & Batten Shutters
6. Live. Love. Larson- Peace Wreath


I started this project a while ago and this challenge was a perfect kick in the rear to get it finished and out of my guest room! I have always loved pie safes. They have such a rich looking lived history and all the little details make each piece so totally unique. However, they tend to be a little pricey. I've never looked at buying one new because what I love about them is the antique history that comes with it.

So here is my inspiration for this piece. It is an antique pie safe that costs $300. But I've seen them range anywhere from $200  to over $1,000! And there was no way I could afford that right now.

What I did was find an old armour at a thrift store for $20. (Thats a steal right!) It was a little rough but mostly just needed to be refinished, over all it was very sturdy. The lines of it where perfect for turning in to an old pie safe. 
Here is a quick before and after. 

The supplies I used are kinda odd. But I knew I wanted it to have the punched tin look and trying to find that on the cheap was seemingly impossible. I looked everywhere then decided I would just make my own! I then searched everyone for flat foil cookie sheets but couldn't find any, and settled on the textured foil oven liners and just cut them in to squares.

After spending many afternoons in front of the TV measuring and cutting squares from the oven liners I began to apply them to the "pie safe". Yep simple as hot glue on each corner and lining it up with the next piece!!

Once I did all of that I decided that it sure would be loads of "chrome" if I added the faux tin to the front to door panels and decided instead to paint them with chalkboard paint making it a perfect space to leave notes, make lists, or just draw pretty pictures :)
I struggled figuring out what color to paint it and was originally wanting to do some crazy cool color like purple or lime green but thought the faux tin was enough pizazz for one project and settle on ultra glossy white.

The fabulously flashy pie safe is a bit of traditional with a twist and I love it!
It fits perfectly out in the studio and will be a fun space for me to keep project to-do lists and tool wish lists while also storing loads of random materials.

The studio isn't finished yet but adding the faux pie safe made me super excited to see how I organize the rest of the space. Totally isn't going to be mistaken for a shed with this kinda gem waiting for you inside!!

Don't forget to check out the other fabulous challenge hosts and leave us all some love too! 
 1.Life on Virginia Street - DIY wood bead chandelier
2. Like a Saturday - Drink Station
3. Sewing Barefoot - Coasters
4. Absolutely Arkansas- Build Your Own Board & Batten Shutters
6. Live. Love. Larson- Peace Wreath
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