
Thankful Thursday #2

Holy Moses it is already the middle of January, who told 2014 it could go by so quickly??
Well, despite 2014s quick start I am so happy to see so many of you sticking to your goals and resolutions. I know I didn't last long on a few but have really stuck to a couple pretty good. 

But really the biggest thing for me this year is to continue to teach myself to be thankful. 
I hope you join me in this project, a couple of you have and I LOVE seeing the different daily blessings from each of you :) 

Now that this is the first week where others have joined in the project I thought we could start doing some round ups. So first this is what I've been learning from the Thankful Project this week: 

1. Being productive is inspiring. Cheesy yes. But man getting up and doing things like cleaning the house, getting dinner ready really makes the whole day seem worth it some times. Thankful for the ability to have time to do this.
2. I worked in my studio/shop a lot this week. Not only did I FINALLY get it organized but I realized that I've been so blessed with each tool in there. I've worked really hard to purchase a few but most of them are hand-me-downs and that is HUGE. So thankful for those tools. 
3. Again, working in the studio/shop I was thinking about how God blesses us with the small things so we can appreciate what He hands us later. Working on a refurb project was so frustrating not having the tool I wanted. But I realized the tool I was using, and my little studio space is just the first small step in God trusting me. Thankful for His goodness! 

Here are a few posts from some of you fabulous peeps joining me in this journey!

4. Alecia has a goal to visit each and every state park in South Carolina. (talk about a rad goal right?!) She has shared loads of pictures from her visits and they are all stunning!
5. Stephanie was super appreciative of the small things (like rain) that may be annoying but when you really stop are so important to our life.
6. Sara joined us and shared the perfect quote for this project:
"You can rewire your brain to be happy by simply recalling 3 things
you're grateful for every day for 21 days" 

I love that she shared this because that is EXACTLY what I am hoping to do. I want to rewire my way of thinking to be a constant feed of nothing but thankful thoughts :) 

Now join me this week by linking up to the Instagram Hop below! This way you can follow and get inspired by some of the other peeps involved with the Thankful Project. Instagram is a great tool to use in building inspiration and friendships and I hope you all decide to get to know each other while "rewiring" your brain to be a little more thankful these days :)

PS> don't forget to use #KTAthankful so we can see what you are up to! 

Instagram Thankful Project

Its been awhile since I talked about the thankful project. And with all you new friends I figured I would do an update and let y'all know what is up with my daily #KTAthankful.

Back at the beginning of the year I challenged myself to find the importance in the little things.
I wanted to be thankful for all of the blessings in my life, specifically the ones that are forgotten on a daily basis. So what I did was decide to create a "Thankful Project", every day I would do a count down along with 1 thing I was thankful for.

I'm pretty sure sure my count is off but that isn't the important thing. It has been harder than I ever thought to remind myself to be thankful for something everyday. But voicing those little blessing has made my attitude so much better! I've found the beauty in things like my driveway, hot showers, and yes even the hard times of waiting. Being reminded that everything has a purpose and is part of a plan that He has for me is what I hope to make a daily impact on.

Heres the deal, I challenged my friends to do this with me, and we got a little bit but not a ton of interaction. I know its hard to post something everyday, but I know the majority of you check Instagram or Facebook AT-LEAST once a day. So I challenge each of you to find the things that you are thankful for. Don't wait until you get a new car or something pretty and shiny, those things are great but the point of this project is to find it in the EVERYDAY. So for the rest of the day or tomorrow be paying attention to your surroundings and remind yourself that you are surrounded with blessings. Pick one and share it with me! 

Just use the hashtag #KTAthankful and I will be checking it and will share a few each Friday! I keep track of the days that I have been thankful but you don't have to if you don't want :)

Here are some examples of my Thankful posts for those of you that don't follow along on Instagram :)

I hope a few of you, if not all of you, will join me in this project. It is amazing how once you notice your surroundings how much you learn about your life and how blessed you are.

Come find me on Instagram and join in the Thankful Project by using #KTAthankful  :)
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