
Bloom Where You Are Planted - year in review

WHEW! When did 2014 disappear? I mean for real I feel like we just moved here and started life in the boonies, but it's now been over a year and a half!!

2014 has been a year full of lessons.
Lessons on life, love, and laughter (cheese ball, sorry). In all seriousness looking back on the year I've realized that Reed and I (mostly me) have learned a lot about growing up and living life. I believe we truly have finally started to bloom where we were planted :)

To give you an idea of how much we have grown here is a quick review of some of my big lessons I've shared with y'all here in blog land!

 Learned to control my social media tendencies and challenged myself to be a Supportive Wife On and Off Line

 Realized that my pride was hurting me and talked about how that realization changed my life.

Started the Envelope Budget! It may not sound exciting but it has been a HUGE help, and exciting experience :) 

Went to New York City!!!

Had an amazing summer with so much fun I didn't post about it :) oops! 

Took part in my first ever craft festival and it was a hit!

Rebranded myself to help shake out some big ideas. 

The biggest and most exciting part of my year. 
It's a seasonal shop and I plan on doing an update on it again in the new year. Who woulda thought that at 24 I would be business owner, complete with taxes :) 

If you look back at my "blog year" I didn't do much. But if you look back at my LIFE so much has happened! I'm excited for 2015 and all that we can learn and achieve with another years time! I hope each of you learned lots and enjoyed your 2014 year but I hope even more that you will learn to bloom where you have been planted in 2015! 

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A thankful Snow Day!

Goodness gracious the south has been hit again with snow!! Snow is such a big deal in good ole South Carolina, I mean seriously we shut down. Even Walmart and mcdonalds, that means its serious now.

As hard as it is to get through this Snowpocalypse  I am SO thankful that I have a husband that has all the tools to keep us happy. And unbelievably thankful for the snow being more beautiful than dangerous! No Ice yet and I hope it never makes it  :) 

Here are some pictures from our two days of snow!  Hope y'all are all safe and warm this Thursday!! 

Tomorrow is supposed to bring more snow and ice. As beautiful as it is we are ready for some warm weather, why don't we get snow days in the summer?? :) 

Ps> sorry for the short post we are enjoying the Olympics and I'm a bit distracted :) what have y'all been watching most??