new studio

Mini Blog Make Over

Well I am back from a long, much needed, blogging break. I was busy with life and enjoying being unplugged. I have been searching for jobs, and for what I want to be doing. Monday I posted about my upsetting job search, here. After writing that post I've really missed blogging, and y'all! So I'm back!!

Sadly, I don't have a project lined up to share just yet so I'm just gonna share some of the mini makeover I'm working on for the blog.

Basically, I have decided that I'm going to embrace my title as an artist more than I did this past year. I've missed "real" art. I enjoy being crafty and I think it has it's place but I want to go back to my real passion which is using a talent that I was blessed with by the Lord. So, hopefully I will start sharing more on ART! I'm not sure what that looks like just yet, I'm thinking more posts about techniques, mediums, and concepts. Right now I'm going for more posts like these two where I talked all about color and how to use it and how to paint with out black. (If y'all have any ideas PLEASE share them!! I'm hoping I can help y'all answer some questions along the way).

 But part of this make over was inspired by my desire to share more of my studio! I've written about it a couple of times, and how blessed I am to have it just a couple yards away from my house!  (The Blessing of a StudioSetting Up ShopWork Bench Tutorial, Studio Storage) So now that I'm (mostly) settled in, I want to invite you guys in more often!

Today I've shared a couple of my new blog photos that I took right before Spring (no green grass or flowers yet) but they incorporate my creative space and that is SUPER important!

So WELCOME to the new Kitchen Table Art, where I am focusing on more than just the everyday crafts of life, but also on the beautiful art world that deserves more recognition in todays life!
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Work Bench (Look For Less #2)

It's time for another Look For Less challenge!! If you missed the first challenge head over HERE to check it out. If you are looking for my Wishful Wednesday ETSY list I posted that yesterday (Tuesday) so be sure to head back and check that out! 

(At the end of the post I will be sharing links to the other bloggers taking part of the challenge!)

I've been in need of a work bench in my studio and as always this challenge came at a perfect time to make me get the project done! 

My inspiration came from two different finds via ETSY. I love ETSY and wish I could have ordered both of these, but for a work bench I needed it to be a bit sturdier and much cheaper!! Both of these tables range between $250 and $500. They are most likely more than worth it but I couldn't justify that price tag not to mention I needed to modify them to make them fit my need. 

What I decided to do was combine the two designs and my goal was to spend less than $100, it is a work bench after all. What I used for this project was super simple.
Metal Task Force Saw Horses
2 pieces of 4ft x 4ft x 3/4in plywood
2 drills (1 for pre-drilling holes and 1 for screws)
1in Screws
In total I spent $60 and just over 2 hours!! Not bad :)

First of all I cut my plywood to size. I used a 4ft x 3ft rectangle and  6in sides. Then I placed my first 4x3 piece of plywood on the ground and opened the saw horses and placed them on top. I marked their spots flipped them over and predrilled holes in to the bottom of the legs. Once all 8 legs had holes I lined the legs up with the marks and pre drilled and screwed the legs in to the plywood. Then flipped the entire thing over so the saw-horses are upside down and the table top is upright.

Then I clamped my 6in sides upright and predrilled and screwed the sides and top of the box together.
Now I have a 6inch shelf sitting below my ultra sturdy work bench. Despite my studio being organized and all my tools having a place when I work I spread out and make a mess!! So this shelf will help me keep my work area clean while still having tools in reach. Brilliant :)

And to add my final touches I sanded the whole baby down and painted the edges of the shelf to match the metal saw horse legs. I also added a few layers of poly to the unstained boards to give them a bit of protection. But lets be real it will probably get damaged and stained real quick, it is a workbench after all! 

Now my studio is officially finished! I've got loads of tools hung on the peg board, my paint storage cabinet, my faux pie safe is full of all kinds of goodies, and now I have a space big enough for me to work on how ever I want! And not to mention it can be easily moved around to open up the floor space when needed. 

If you enjoyed my look for less challenge the be sure to check out some of these other fabulous projects!
 Sewing Barefoot - Bathtub Caddy 
 Home Coming - Focal Wall Head Board
 Like A Saturday - Bottle Lamp
Life. Love. Larson - Faux Fur Stool
 Absolutely Arkansas - Salon Blowout At Home
Life On A Virginia Street - Large Scale Art & Frame

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