
The Best Gift

See this??

 Yep, it is the motorcycle Reed and I got engaged on, left our wedding on, and then sold 2 years ago. But guess what?! WE GOT IT BACK!

Yep. After years of dreaming, and many failed attempts to save the funds up I was able to purchase this beauty back and surprise him with it on our 3 year wedding anniversary.

After this I had so many people say “you are a keeper”, or “best wife ever” and Reed even said he could never get me something as good as that. But ultimately that wasn’t my goal. I wasn’t trying to win a battle of gift giving, or the best wife award, or have the coolest pictures on social media (even though I do because my super awesome and talented friend Mary, of Mary DeCrescenzio Photography, made sure we captured this moment for all time).

My goal was to love my husband well. Show him that I see those long hours, I see that sometimes he feels like he works all the time and never gets time to just do what he wants. I see that. I see him agonize over being able to put gas in the boat to go fish or go out for a quick bite at the Mexican restaurant. I saw him sacrifice his wants for me and our family for over 2 years. I knew he wanted to give me more, he would tell me constantly that he was sorry he couldn’t just let me go out and get the shoes I wanted. But each month he took me out for a fun dinner, I got to buy fun little pieces for my wardrobe or save funds for a trip with friends. He made sure that even when he wasn’t getting what he wanted all the time that I was feeling loved and supported.

During that time, when he was so selflessly giving to me, I didn’t have a job. I tried, and my pride always got in my way but Reed would remind me not to worry. We would figure it out. He would tell me not to get a job just for the money, he had our needs taken care of. I could do what I felt I needed to do, even if that was wait for my dream.

So when the time finally came that our budget grew, that my dream job came true, I knew I had to let him know I saw all his sacrifice. That is what this was about.

That my husband acted out the love of Christ for me for 2 years. He put me first. He lead our family the way we needed to go, even when it was hard. I wanted to give him something to love him well and let him know that HE gave ME the best gift. So no everyone, I am not the best wife ever; Reed is the best husband ever and I am just saying thank you.  

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PS> if you need some awesome photography for your fam and you are in SC go check out Mary and her photography blog! She is so talented and a blessing of a friend :) 

Cheap Halloween Photo Booth

Eek so close!
2 weeks is an acceptable time to start decorating. We don't have neighbors so we wont have any trick or treaters so instead Reed and I are throwing a party! You can check out the invites I sent out HERE. But today I got ready by starting to decorate for our big party! 

As always I LOVE the Dollar Store. I can walk around there for hhooouurrsss. I mean so much goodness for just A DOLLAR! It is just so inspiring :)
For this party we've obviously asked everyone to dress up, and why dress up if you aren't going to document it! So I've decided that a fun Halloween photo booth is the perfect way to make sure we document all our creative ideas.

This photo booth took less than 30 minutes and cost less than $10!
I bought a white table cloth and hung it on the back porch and used that as the back drop. Then I began draping the Halloween goodies all over. As much as I love to make my own decorations it is really great when you can just buy pre-made decorations and arrange them on your own. So much quicker!

These goodies came in packs and I had SO MUCH more left over I think I'll be able to use it for the table scape too!
And who doesn't want glittery flies. I mean so cool!!

Of course I had to try out my new photo booth! So here's my second costume. Yes, second costume. My first one for the season was this Piñata and Birthday Girl get up with my puppy :) I'll be sharing how I made this Princess Peach costume from goodies laying around the house!

How are you getting ready for Halloween? I'm so excited and can't wait to see how all of y'all celebrate this fun holiday.
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