
Staged Photo Shoot with Mary Decrescenzio Photography

Well, I didn't do well this week with blogging. I was just enjoying my time getting things done and not feeling like I "had" to share. Don't get me wrong I LOVE sharing here but sometimes I've gotta just do my thing with out thinking how it will look in pictures every two seconds :)

So, with all that said I don't really have anything to share today. No DIY projects and no real heart to hearts either. I do have some AWESOME pictures that myself and the unbelievably talented Mary of Mary Decrescenzio Photography took back in November.

I've known Mary for a while now, I was in a wedding she was shooting and some how we just really hit it off. It has been so great having a friend with so many of the same beliefs and understanding of being a creative person attempting to make a living with our God given talent. Sadly, we don't live in the same city so we have to do a bit more planning when we hang out. But that leads to things like this!

I asked Mary to join me for a staged photo shoot. I was dying to get some pictures of the ranch, and wanted to try my hand at staging. We knew we needed to figure out something that wasn't going to be too hard at first. So we just went with what I had and yep that meant I was the model too. Basically I emptied out my house and collection of cool containers and we set up for the shoot!

It was so fun working with Mary, she does amazing work and would LOVE for y'all to go check her out! Hopefully we will work together again and this time feature some awesome custom designs by me and obviously Marys amazing photo talent :) 

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