The Old Smith Barn

I wanted to give you guys some history on the tin signs that have become such a big hit this summer. The rusty tin that I paint on is from the old Smith barn here in Pontiac. The barn was built around 1972 by my Granddaddy Smith and provided shelter for the horses and farm equipment used on the 180 acres. Granddaddy Smith died in 1977 and then my daddies family moved out to Pontiac in January of 1979. The land has all been slowly sold off and now my family is the last of the Smiths on Granddaddies land. The barn became more of a storage building over the years and at times was even a play ground for my cousins, siblings and I. Now the barn is falling apart and is missing half of the roof. The roof that has fallen is where I pick up the tin I paint on. So, over all, the paintings are more than rusty old tin. They are a piece of Smith family history! 

Now enough of the history lesson and on to the art work! 

Most of these tins are custom orders for friends and family; however, I can reproduce and customize nearly anything! I have plenty more orders to fill before the end of the summer so be looking for more of these tin roof originals! 