I love being an art student!

Obviously I am getting better at this whole blogging thing :) I may even need to slow down so I have stuff to talk about next week!
But, I'm so excited I finally scanned in my photos from my film photography class!! I have enjoyed this class so much more than I thought. I originally was taking this class to get it out of the way but it has me hooked. I'm almost positive I'm going to take this all the way through! 
I'm using a Nikon F100 (this is a film camera for those of you didn't know) with a 35-135mm zoom lens that was a hand-me-down from my mom. For the class we are required to use the manual setting which, like the class, I also thought this requirement would be horrid. But, I've thoroughly enjoyed actually learning how to really make a photograph art. There are so many different settings and so many things to think about at once! 
Because it is a FILM class we are also processing our own film and printing each individual photograph! AND I LOVE IT!! 
Being in the dark room blasting music and doing trial and error is so relaxing! It's a process that takes a long time and smells kinda funny but I honestly crave being in the dark room. 

I'll give a brief about each of our 4 projects:

Project 1: We learned how to capture motion in different ways: motion illustrated, motion arrested, and pan-action. (The first two photographs are pan-action and the third is motion arrested)

Project 2: We focused more on composition and paid more attention to the lighting for this project. For the first two photos they are focusing on light and shadow while the last three are focusing more on light and shadow. 

Project 3: This project was for us to combine everything we have learned. We needed to be able to produce good images and good prints from the dark room. We had to shoot 4 rolls of film two of which had to be self-portraits while the other two had to be portraits of other people. Luckily I have a great boyfriend who not only allowed me to use him as a model but who also came along to help me with my self portraits! Reed would stand in while I focused and fixed all the settings and then we would switch places and he would push the button. I'm pretty sure he enjoyed it because by the end of both his session and my session he was giving me pointers ;) 

Sorry this post is unbelievably long, but I hope you enjoyed my pictures because I sure enjoyed producing them! 

I still have my final project to finish so that will be a post some time in the next couple of weeks. 
