Apple Pie Cookies!!

I know, I know, I know 3 apple posts in a row. 
I told you we had a ton of apples!! 
I was going to wait and share this one but these apple pie cookies were such a big hit that I figured I should share them in time for Thanksgiving :) 

I found my inspiration on Twigg Stuidos where she shared her Pie Pops.
I was going to make the pie pops but Reed said that was "too cute" for a tailgate. 
I didn't agree with that, but I did think he had a point. Cookies are a lot easier to eat. 

With out further adieu here is my little baking tutorial :) 

two apples

4 table spoons of brown sugar
table spoon granulated sugar
tea spoon cinnamon powder
1 table spoons of flour
2 table spoons water

And for the crust I just used store bought pie crusts

1. Peel and chop the apples, I cut mine pretty small so they would be easier to eat. 
2. Add the apples to a pan with the 2 table spoons of water and allow to simmer on med/high until soft.

This is where it started smelling REALLY good :) 
3. Add your 4 table spoons of brown sugar. Keep the heat on med/high until the the sugar coats the apples. 
4. Mix the remaining ingredients in a small bowl 

*remember to stir the apples continuously once you start adding the sugars. 

5. Slowly pour the remaining ingredients while constantly stirring. 
6. Reduce heat to low and allow to simmer while you prepare the crust!! 

This kinda looks like chicken but it smells like heaven!! 

For the crust I rolled out store bought pie crust and used a wine glass to cut little circles.
Once you have the circles cut you can start filing them with about a spoonfull of filling. 

I then added the top, pressed down with a fork around the edges and poked holes in the center. 
These babies where finished after cooking for about 10 minutes at 350 degrees!! 

The recipe that I shared above made about 8-10 cookies. 
It is really easy to just play around with the different ingredient amounts, I changed it each batch I made. These sweeties also don't take very long. The longest part was peeling the apples and other than that it was probably only a 20 minute process. 

They were a huge hit at the tailgate and I am already making them for a few friends as gifts!! 
They taste exactly like apple pies, just mini! 

Hope this is a fun treat that you can share this holiday season! 
If you try these PLEASE let me know, I would love to hear your stories with making them and any improvements you have aswell!

I hope everyone has a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!

PS. I am not sure if I will be posting on Thursday or not. I would like to but I'm gonna make sure my family comes first!!