Baked Apples & Apple Pancakes

To continue my "newly wed" theme of the week I thought I would share some of the baked goodies Reed and I have made with the apples!

The first thing we did once we got home from the mountains was make baked apples! 
Here is the recipe we used and I'll attempt to give you step by step instructions :) 

Home Made Baked Apples

8-10 Apples, cored, peeled and halved
3/4 cup sugar
3/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup flour
1tsp cinnamon
2 tsp butter, melted
1 cup water
Place apples in greased 9x13 dish. Place all ingredients (except apples) in a pan and bring to boil. Reduce heat and stir continuously until it has darkened to a carmel color. Pour over apples in pan and bake at 350 for about 35 minutes.

Look at all these apples!! We are peeling and ready to start bakin! 

I would suggest to peel all of the apples before you start with the sauce. 
I just combined all of the ingredients in my measuring cup and then poured in to the pan. 

 Reed and I worked at the same time so I started the sauce while he was still peeling and we had to keep the sauce on a little longer than we would have liked. 
You can tell in this picture that when you first mix the sugars and what not together that it is a milky color. Continuously stir the mixture until it turns to a carmel-ly color. 

You can tell in this picture the color that you are going for. Because we cooked ours a little longer than we wanted it became pretty thick. 
But regardless it was still great just not as easy to pour over the peeled apples :) 

Then you want to mix the apples all up so everyone is covered in that sugary goodness! 

Then finally place it in the oven at 350 and try to wait 35minutes! 
It smells like heaven so its pretty hard to wait!! 

But WELLLLL worth it :)
So yummy!! 

Because we made the baked apples at like 9 at night we decided to save them for the morning when we could add them to apple pancakes!!
I've been so blessed to have a man that enjoys cooking :) 
This was his second ever attempt at making pancakes. 
He of course did perfect!

These pancakes were made from the apple pancake batter we got from the orchard. 
I would drive that entire hour just to get another batch of it.

TA DA!! 
The finished product and plenty more apples! 

That breakfast was so good. 
And that weekend was even better!
I have a few more things that we have made with the apples that I'll share later :) 

I hope that my first attempt at a cooking post was successful. 
Tell me how I can improve, I need some blogging critiques!