Thats right, Meegan is sharing a project with us today. 
Meegan and I have been becoming great friend through the blog would and I just thought it would be fitting to introduce her to my other blogger friends! 
Hope you enjoy the fresh ideas and will hop over to check Meegan out! 

Good Morning all of you Kitchen Table Art readers!! I am Meegan from What Meegan Makes and I am honored to be guest posting for Grace today! Isn't she great! I just love her!!  
 I am a vintage loving, grand baby kissing, beach going, shell finding, paint hungry kind of woman, and I love to blog about all of these things-sometimes even combined!   Today I would like to share a small and simple project with a big impact. 
 This is my living room.
I really like how everything pulled together. BUT, I wanted a frame around the book page wreath.
While out thrifting one day...
I found a frame!!
Yep, $7 and BRAND new!!
To prepare my new frame I mixed various green craft paints and antique white.
After "Semi" painting the frame (meaning I didn't cover it perfectly-many areas are an uneven thickness of paint), I sanded it with Medium 100 grit sand paper. I am SO excited!!

After sanding, I hung my new "pretty" in our living room!! It is just how I pictured!!
Yay!! Not too shabby, wouldn't you say??? I think she completes this wall. Don't you love when that happens??? Me, too!!
Some other projects I have done around our home:
Thanks for letting me share my new treasure with you! It has been a real pleasure to be with you today. Thanks again, Grace!! It has been a BLAST!!
I hope you will visit me sometime over at What Meegan Makes.
Make it a great day!!