What I've learned from 2012

I wasn't going to do an end of the year post just because I feel like I've shared my heart fully with you through out the year, so why recap?
But sitting here in bed New Years day with the worst cold I've ever had (I sound like Batman) 
I've done a lot of thinking and realized how unbelievably blessed this year has been. 

2012 taught me so much. 
But I don't want this post to be focused on 2012 but rather what GOD has done for me in 2012. 

I started the year of 2012 trying to figure out when Reed would propose to me. 
I wanted it so badly, I was reading in to every little thing that everyone said and was literally losing sleep over it. 
I've always been a planner. I like to be in control of my life and know what my next step is. 

But the Lord showed me this year that its ok to just chill and trust that whatever he has planned is so much better than anything I could have ever imagined. 
I found this version of Jeremiah 29:11 just a few months ago and think it is so fitting, 

"I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for."

I was proposed to by the only man I've ever dated, in a way that I never ever would have come up with. (read about it here

I excelled in school and made sure that the wedding wasn't going to consume my life. 
Reed and I focused on what was important. 
GETTING MARRIED with all of our dearest friends and family to share it with. 
We were beyond blessed by the people around us. 
I never lifted a figure and rarely had to make a decision planning wise. 
Our wedding day was perfect and it was all because God has surrounded us with the most generous of His children. 
I've never felt more loved in my life.
(Read some of the details that made it so special here)

We found our teeny tiny house and despite all of its flaws, its perfect :) 
We've had fleas, mold, and heat issues. But God has fixed each one and it has made for some great bonding and has added that much more charm to our first home. 

I've done house tours that you can check out herehere, here, and I just realized I forgot to post about the guest room/ studio.... oops

Basically I've really enjoyed what God has given me this year. 
I never in a million years would have thought of these things but I wouldn't change them if I could! 

God knows exactly what I want and need and because he is full of grace and mercy he has chosen to give Reed and I an unbelievable 2012 and am so looking forward to what He has in-store for 2013!