Toilet Paper Crafts

I know its a week from Christmas so its almost too late to be postin more Christmas crafts. 
But these are some fun easy and FREE decorations. 

For our Burlap Christmas Tree  we needed a star. 
I tried to find one at the dollar store and Wal-Mart but I just didn't like any. 
I had been saving toilet paper and paper towel tubes for awhile and decided this would be a fun project  to use them for. 

First I cut up the rolls in to about half inch pieces. 

Then I  glued pieces together at the ends. 

Once I had the pieces started I then began just playing around and trying to make a star shape. 
I found that using hot glue allowed this project to go fairly quickly. 

This was the end shape that I came up with. I started with the 4 glued together and then just filled in the gaps until I ran out of pieces.  I love the way it turned out :) 

My favorite craft are these Toilet Paper Reindeer! 
I wanted some decorations other than on the tree so I decided to make something small to put on the book shelf. 

For this craft I just used 3 toilet paper tubes, twigs from the yard, and hot glue. 

I started off with 1 whole tube as the body and added 4 twigs as the legs. 
I just put a drop of hot glue  where I wanted the legs placed.
Mine are a little wonky but I thought that added character :) 

Then I cut another tube in half and used it as the head. I added a smaller thicker twig for the neck and glued it to both the head and body. 
Then I added forked twigs for the antlers. 
This craft took a little longer than the star but was still less than 20 minutes total. 

Both of these crafts where so fun!
I think they both look great unfinished but was thinking today that spraying the deer white would add a little more winter whimsy. 
I'm probably going to leave the deer out all year just cause I think they are so cute!

Now that it is a week before Christmas I am finally finished decorating :) 
Reed and I leave on Thursday the 20th go fly down to Nicaragua and spend Christmas with his family. 
I know I've been posting really randomly lately but I wont post anything for about a week. 
I'm gonna try and keep yall updated on facebook and instagram but who knows! 

I hope that each and every one of you have a fabulous Holiday season with your family!! 
Don't forget that Meegan from What Meegan Makes will be guest posting on Wednesday!