"The earth without art is just 'eh' "

Well, I've finally slowed down a little bit and decided to do some crafts :) 

I took down the decorations for Christmas last week. 
And I got a few more decorations on sale at Target :)

I kept the wreath up,
both the white yarn wreath and the grapevine wreath that I stretched out across the top. 
The stars are a garland that I got from Target for $10. 
The bunting was made by a sweet friend for our engagement party. 

The bottom half of the board I decorated with a quote that I've always loved:) 
I used just some basic crafting goodies. 
Doilies, craft paper, markers, and paint. 

I wrote out the quote 
"The earth without art is just 'eh'"
For the words "earth" "art" and "eh" I used a bold script and painted it in fun colors. 

After they dried I cut them out 

For the remainder of the quote I wrote out in bold black lettering on doilies. 

I love how this looks!
What do you think of it? 
I don't know how long I'm gonna leave it but its making me ready for spring :)