Wine Bottles and Twig Lights

Last week I took down our Christmas decorations and realized that I didn't like not having something where our tree was. 
I have been saving up wine bottles for a while and also just picked up some Twig lights from Target. 
So this is how I replaced our Christmas tree with Wine bottles and Twigs :) 

First I picked my 3 favorite bottles and soaked them in water for a weekend. 
Really I didn't need to soak them that long, they just need to be soaked enough to peel the labels. 

These are the bottles I chose. 
The super tall blue one is my favorite :) 

Then I went out in the yard and found some twigs that I thought would fit in the bottles along with the twig lights from target. 

Of course I had to use this fabulous blue spray paint. Its basically my favorite color... 
But before I used the paint I put all of the twigs and twig lights in the bottles to see if they fit. 

Then I sprayed them!!!
There is probably a more efficient way of doing this but I was just trying to go fast :) 

WALLAH! This is where our Christmas tree was! Now we have lights on all the time and it just adds a little more fun to our living room :)
Who knows how long I will keep this up but I needed something quick and easy to do with our bottles and I was too excited about these twig lights to wait until next Christmas!