Thankful. (Instagram recap)

Hey guys, it's officially been 2 weeks of logging what you are thankful for. I really love seeing how God is blessing each one of you.

I'm laying in bed right now unable to sleep.
Thinking about how blessed I am to have the man of my dreams snoring next to me. I am also able to read my bible and track my progress right on my phone! Right here in bed. We are such a blessed society. I can fit my bible, calendar, phone, computer, and watch all in my back pocket.

I've been reading in Matthew and thinking about the passage in chapter 6 about worry.

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? (Matthew 6:25 NIV)

I'm a constant worrier. I also want to know my next step and how it will work out. But recently God has been working on my heart and is allowing me to be thankful for the small things.

“And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. (Matthew 6: 28 NIV)

God gives us no reason to worry. He created us and all that we see. Literally the world is in his hand.

" If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? (Matthew 6:30 NIV)

God holds me and you. He knows what our next step is and what the next year, month or day of our life looks like. He created us to be like Him!! After all that how can he not love us more than the flowers of the fields and the birds of the air?!

Just remember these things so that you can notice the small things that are blessing your life. Be thankful for all that God has done and continues to do for you.

I hope that more of you continue to join us but for right now check out what these lovely ladies posted this week!
@ssclaude, @mckennahersh, @ cwalpole, @ lucysatt, @aenglun, and @mika_murray
Thank y'all for sharing with us!!

This week I hope all of you can join us in thanking God and sharing with our little Kitchen Table family. I enjoy seeing the blessings in your life :)