New Chapters

Long time no see! I've been thinking about yall for a long time now I've just needed to figure a little bit of life out before I got back to my regular posts :) 

I've been going non stop for the last 3 months. 
This busyness was expected and welcomed, but boy was it harder than I thought! 
Over the past few weeks not only have Reed and I made some big decisions but we have also had some major events happening around the house. I've had my senior show in Lee Gallery and had a sculpture be selected to be part of the Contemporaries Artist of the Year gala. Then Reed and I BOTH just took a walk across the stage of Little John and are now Clemson graduates! 

It was hectic and crazy but so amazing to share my graduation day with the man I share my life with. 
Even though I always wanted to get married in school it never crossed my mind that I would be sharing another mile stone celebration with the man I love. I still can't get over how cool it is that in less than a year and a half we will have gotten engaged, married, and graduated together! 
I love it!

I thought I would share some of the pictures as the beginning of all of my updating posts :)
Trust me I have a lot to catch you up on! 

It is so unreal to not be a student any longer. I mean seriously I've been nothing but a student for 17 years of my life, that means only FIVE years of not being a student and I wasn't even old enough to really remember those! WEIRD. 
But Reed and I are starting this new phase together, so it isn't as scary as I thought. God has blessed us beyond measure with support from friends and family and is pouring his blessings on us daily. 

I'm so proud of how we have sat down to discuss our plans with everything from budgeting to dreams. It is weird to be an official adult. I don't feel old enough at all. But I know the Lord is with us always. And one thing that is giving me the most comfort are the lyrics from a song we sing at church
"I know who goes before me
I know who stands behind
the God of angel armies
Is always by my side!" 
Knowing that no matter what Reed and I choose as our next step that God has already been there, and that he is going behind us, and standing beside us is SO unbelievably comforting. 

Thank you to everyone who has supported us!