My heart overflows

This morning my heart is overflowing with joy. 
I am able to sit and linger in this knowing that come this afternoon I will be diving head first in to a week full of all nighters and plenty of break downs in preparation for my first ever art show. 

Last night Reed and I got to celebrate a sweet friends new life as Man and Wife.
It was so fun to enjoy the beauty of marriage and the joy that good friends and music creates. 

So this morning after a long night I got to sleep in.
(not real late and not with Reed but still it was so refreshing!)
Waking up with the birds chirping outside was fabulous. I know I need to be working on my projects and getting ready for the show but I just wanted to take a minute and make a list of things telling yall why life is so worth living and that we should linger in the joy as often as we can!

1. Sitting with my warm puppy on the sofa as I type. She still is always touching and just sitting leaning against my legs.

2. It is nice enough to leave all of the doors and windows open in the house. I love spring!

3. I'm working towards something that I love and can't wait to continue making. Art is great!

4. In less than a month I get to celebrate another milestone with my man. 
Graduating college on the same day is going to be long but perfect!

5. The quite ability to sit and praise the one who makes this all possible. 

If you know me at all, you probably are extremely surprised that 5 days until my show goes up and I'm sitting here blabbing on about how much I love life. I know I'm surprised and I can't believe how calm I am!! If I was myself right now I would be running around like a chicken with my head cut off. 
BUT I am not myself because the Lord tells us not to worry. 
that everything has its time and that he takes care of the birds of the air and the flowers of the field so just imagine how much more he will take care of us! 

Because I know these things in my heart, I can linger in the small moments of my life being fully confident that this is exactly what I am supposed to be doing :)