Making Monday [#6]

I'm back, our internet has finally been restored and I don't have to view everything on my phone!!!!
I hate that I didn't get to share features last week but it was too hard to do images and links via my phone. And yes I tried to head out to a coffee shop to use the internet but the closest is 45 minutes away...

This week there were some awesome links added! I also realized that now I have to accept that summer is over. We had lots of fall finds and so I decided to share a few to help me get in the fall spirit.

Molly at Just A Little Creativity shared two fall recipes that happen to be a remix of my favorite things every. M&M cookies and an apple cider milkshake!! Oh my goodness I can't  to try these!

Robin over at Fluster Buster shared some awesome cheese danish recipe. I LOVE cheese danish any time of year but the fall is when I always want a warm breakfast to get me going. I've never made a cheese danish, just heated up the store bought one in the microwave :) But after seeing this recipe and now having all day to make and eat my breakfast I may just have to try it :)

And this one isn't fall at all. But I'm not ready to end my summer just yet so I decided to add this fabulous drink from Fancy That Notion is everything that is good about summer!!

If you were featured this week PLEASE be sure to grab a button and let everyone know that we sent you some fabulous love this week :)

Kitchen Table Art

Be sure to link up and share this week and if you are PINNING any of these projects please make sure to pin from the original site!!!
Also grab a button to link back or add a text link on your blog to let everyone know where you are sharing!!

Kitchen Table Art
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