Setting up Shop

Thought I would share a few updates on the fabulous studio I received a few weeks ago. (if you missed that post check it out HERE). Here is a little back ground I'm not sure if I have shared yet or not. The studio (shed) was originally built on the property that we are living on now. But when the property was sold to Reeds boss (the people who so graciously provide us with housing for now) they moved the shed to another home they had on a piece of adjoining property. It was used there for storage and then emptied out when that house went vacant. So when we came in to the picture they promised that they would help find me a space to work on my art. It took a while but we decided that it would be best for now to just use the shed and move it back in to our yard. So that is how Reed just "randomly" showed up one day with a little cute shed :)

Now the shed is old. The outside looks pretty bad. I'm planning to paint it all and add some boards across the bottom to cover the corrosion.  And yes all of that stuff strewn across the yard was inside. And yes I plan to fix up that fabulous cabinet on the right of the picture!!

The building is nice and sturdy with electrical hookups and a fabulous work bench across the back wall. But it was rather dark in there with all the wood going on. So I decided to paint the walls grey and to save time and paint I just white washed the joists and floors. I've still got some touching up to do but thought I would share it at this point cause hopefully next time I share it will be filled with goodies :)
I'm planning to replace the white bead board across the back with peg board that covers that entire wall so I can make sure I keep as much visible as possible! 

And we replaced the screens and fixed the broken window (didn't get it in the bottom picture, sorry). I'm also trying to decide what color to repaint the door. Reed says I should leave it the way it is. And yes its very "cottage chic"and "rustic" but that amount of peeling paint and wood is just too much for me. I need a little more of a finished look I think. I'm hoping I can keep the building grey and paint the trim white with a bright yellow door! (or maybe use the blue/green of the kitchen??) What do you think??

So after finishing the touch ups on paint and adding the peg board I get to start bringing stuff in and organizing it all! I have some plans to build a large table on wheels that can split in two and be rolled against the walls when I need floor space. I hope I can make that dream happen once I get in there and see how much space I actually have :)
For now I can use the bins, baskets, and peg board I have and see what kind of storage I need added. But what I am REALLY focusing on is stocking it with the right tools. Reed has a lot and says we can move them all in and I can use them as my own! (Those of you who know Reed know this is a HUGE deal, he doesn't let any one use his stuff. EVER). However, even after that sweet gesture there are still some tools that he doesn't have and are the ones that would really set me up for success.
These tools are some that Reed and I sat down and did a little window shopping for the other day. I think that these would all allow me to do more of my personal work and help build my design dream, rather than just the crafty repurposing I'm able to do now. 

You can tell they are pretty pricey. As much as we would love to just go out and set up shop we can't. Being responsible with money just stinks sometimes. But we have decided that all the income from my ETSY shop will go to setting up my studio! This is gonna help me set up and get started much quicker than if we were relying on gifts, or the little bit of extra money we may or may not have at the end of the month. 
My shop is a little bit all over the place right now. I've been trying out different mediums, and ideas lately so you can find bunches of different gift ideas. I love doing all of these and hope that sales will jump up a little bit now that holidays are approaching! 

I can't wait to get my studio set up!! I've missed being creative. Yes, I know that I may appear to be creative almost daily. But it is a different kind of creative that I crave. I want to design and add concept and purpose behind my pieces. Not just write pretty quotes and paint lovely flowers. Don't get me wrong, I love doing those things and right now it's all over my ETSY store. But my real dream is to build and design furniture.

 I want to be an artist again.
And I really think that setting up this space with some good tools will help me get back there quicker.
So excited to see how this pans out, I know I've been unbelievably blessed thus far and can't believe that just 4 months out of art school I am already set up with my personal studio :)
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