Making Monday [#11]

 It's that time again!! Making Monday is back up and ready for you to join us!
We are so happy with each week of the party and all of the fabulous bloggers who are sharing so many amazing projects to inspire us all! Don't forget to come back each week or go back in time to see some of the other great parties we have hosted!! 

 Lori and I have been totally overwhelmed by y'alls response and decided we would share a few of our projects to help get the party going! So now not only will we each feature  different posts from the party but we will also share some of our own projects from the previous week. Be sure to check them out and leave some sweet comments :) 

Follow me with any of these bad boys:

Follow Lori from A Bright & Beautiful Life at any of these fab spots: 

Now on to the fab features for this week! And don't forget to head over to A Bright and Beautiful Life to see even more features!

I think I must have been hungry when choosing these features...

Kathy at Melding Magic made this fabulous Cheesy Hash Brown Casserole. This weekend was my birthday weekend and so I ate lots of yummy breakfast but the one thing we lacked was hash browns. So this recipe is going to totally be tried ASAP because it looks fab and I need a new break fast recipe :)

Fluster Buster  has a great series going that was all about feeding 4 for $5. This  Feed 4 for $5 Lemon Shrimp Pasta was tried last night for dinner and boyyyy was it good! I love the series, even though we don't have 4 people I have a husband that eats for 3 so it works. Be sure to check it out and let her know who sent ya ;)

Last but not least is Caprice at The Home Heart. This looks amazing.  Pot Roast Sliders with Creamy Chipotle Sauce is something that I am going to try this month in our slow cooker. Caprice has the instructions written out but totally cooks like me, just approximates it all :)

Thank you all for joining the party last week and I hope you come back to share some other fabulous posts/projects! Be sure to grab a button and share that you have been featured! And don't forget to check out A Bright and Beautiful Life for other fabulous features! 
Kitchen Table Art

And if you didn't get featured don't get down! We loved seeing everything and look forward to new projects each week. Please don't hesitate to share a link or button so other people can join us :) 
Kitchen Table Art

With the party growing we decided to give y'all some "guidelines" or suggestions on how to make this party  even more successful :) So be sure to just check these out!

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