Bring Joy to You

Today I planned on sharing another DIY project with you. I've never done so many DIY or project posts in a row but with all this time on my hands recently I've been able to make loads of little updates and have turned each in to a post to share with y'all! I love doing that, but I felt like I needed to swing back in to sharing something deeper than surface paint and my failing project was the perfect push back. 
Flying King Ranch, York SC (Reeds job)

I started this blog to share my endeavors as a young artist in art school. Then I moved in to sharing my crafty projects around the house and promoting my ETSY shop. I've used this space to share my life and I am so thankful that I have it! 
I hope this blog is a place you can come to find inspiration and joy.

For about a month now I've been singing this song constantly, Garden by NeedToBreath. The lyrics below have hit me hard as I've been out in the boondocks with nothing but time. I think about it almost daily. So sharing with you seemed right.

Let the songs I sing
Bring joy to you
Let the words I say profess my love
Let the notes I choose
Be your favorite tune
Father let my heart be after you

I'm not musical at all. I don't play an instrument and I don't sing unless the music is louder than my voice, (or i'm in the car by myself). So songs, notes, and tunes aren't words that I use on a normal everyday basis. But I realized that the things I do use on an everyday basis like paint, social media, my blog, and every imaginable craft supply are all pieces that God has placed in my life for a reason.
He gave me the creativity that I use everyday and has given me the passion to pursue art so that I can bring joy to you.

I really think when they wrote bring joy to you they meant more than bringing joy to God. Yes that is huge and I want to give Him all the glory for what He has given me the ability to do. Not only has He given me a bit of creativity but He has blessed Reed and I with every dream we could have come up with. I have a studio in the back yard, and all the time I could want to create whatever I want because Reed was able to land his dream job right after graduation.

Who does this happen to? Why are we so lucky?? I don't know and I ask those questions so often. I don't understand Gods grace, mercy, or generosity. But I do know that I want people to be sure of where my joy comes from. I find my joy in creativity and using my hands to build, paint and cook but the ability to find that joy is only here because God has given me the ability and opportunity.

I hope that I can give YOU ALL joy with my gifts. I try to make my projects things that other people find interesting and maybe do for yourselves. My artwork is something that I try and price reasonably and my sculpture is something I want people to be drawn to and linger on the concepts each piece depicts.

All in all, I hope this blog is a place you can come to find inspiration and joy.
I want to give all the glory to God who has given me the chance to pursue my dreams. I hope that with each project and post people can see my joy and know that it's from The Lord!

Flying King Ranch

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