Double Papasan Chair Cushion Tutorial

This is one of my Black Friday deals. Yep I got a double papasan chair on black friday for a STEAL! Sadly, it didn't come with a cushion and a new cushion cost more than I paid for the chair. So, obviously my frugal self said heck no I will make one before I pay that price tag!

I looked up tutorials and didn't really find any on any papasan cushion but found absolutely zero for a double papasan! I made mine up as I went and it isn't perfect but next time I make one I've got it all figured out! 

Here goes the tutorial!

1 9x12 drop cloth
6 $3 pillows from Wal-Mart 

STEP 1: Lay out your drop cloth so it is folded in half and draw out the oval shape of the chair. To get a good estimate on how large your oval should be measure loosely the chair seat with a tape measure. 
STEP 2: Once I had my oval drawn out (I used chalk) I tried a few different ideas for fitting in the pillows but ended up with 3 columns of 3 pillows. 
STEP 3: Cut the oval out. don't forget to do both layers!! 

STEP 4: Sew up the two pieces like a pillow case. Remember to leave a big enough opening for you to fit the pillows in and you probably will need to fit some of your upper body in too! 
STEP 5: Once I had the pillows where I wanted I just tufted the cushion. So basically I did a real easy stitch through both sides of fabric to keep the pillows in place and to give the cushion a bit more "oomph". 

My cushion doesn't fit to perfect, but for about $40 it works just fine! 

Tepe has turned this in to her dog bed. We've had it for about 4 days and it is already stained from her dirty paws, but hey if my baby is comfy for $40 I'm not complaining! Plus I am just so in love with how cushy and comfy it turned out to be. I know I'm gonna have to do it again when I get some outdoor fabric but again FORTY DOLLARS TOTAL. yep, I'm good with it for now:)

I LOVE MY PPPOOOOORRRCHHHHH :) This is such a dreamy spot. I wish I would have been as motivated to do it in the summer because I really wanna use it but I do not do cold weather! So I just check it out every night when walking in the house and dream of the day I can curl up with a good book :)

PS> I'm doing a house tour for the holidays and will be sharing more of our rad porch then!
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