Natural Cotton & Burlap Christmas Tree

Decembers Giveaway is up and going until the 14th!! Go enter to win everything you need to set up your mantel for Christmas!! GIVEAWAY >>>>>>>

I've said this about a thousand times this season but this is the first year Reed and I really get to do Christmas. And what I mean by that is last year we were in school, had an itty bitty house, and went out of the country for 2 weeks for Christmas with his family. So this year I have the time and a little more space to actually decorate! But with it being our first year we didn't have a lot to work with. 

I would love to take credit for this idea but I can't. I have a friend who is an interior designer with Erin Galloway Interiors and she had her Christmas show at the beginning of November and this is how she decorated one of her trees. The natural cotton was STUNNING! She did it a little different than I did, but it was originally her idea so all credit goes to her!

First of all this awesome tree is pre-lit and was originally $200 from Lowe's, buttttttt my hubs worked at Lowe's last year and got it for $40 after Christmas!! I know it isn't super unique but for now it will have to do :) And we have our precious baby to be unique enough for the tree too. While we were putting up the tree Tepe decided to play around in the garland from the Dollar Store. She even put one of her toys (a stick from outside, we buy her toys but she prefers natural) on the bottom limbs of the tree. Ooo this baby girl melts my heart!

To spruce up this pre-lit stiff tree I got out the burlap bunting I made last year. (Last year we didn't have a tree and didn't have room to get one so I made my own out of burlap. Check it out here) I'm glad I saved it because I didn't have any other garland type thing to add! But I just wrapped the tree with it making sure it didn't look perfect ;)
Then I took this bundle (is that what you call it?) of cotton and got Reed to cut off each little bloom. Erin did it differently and actually took some of the entire twigs with the blooms on them and stuck them in to the tree. That made her tree have loads more dimension and I kinda wish I did it that way. But hey, live and learn!

I just love how the tree turned out! I was planning to make some other ornaments and try and buy a few but I love the way the cotton looks like ornaments and seems to glow with the lights. I think I may just leave it all natural this year and pick up some ornaments after the holidays :)

So there is our Christmas tree that cost $40 total! I just can't get over it, some one come visit so we can sit by my tree and sip hot coco!!

Don't forget to go enter the giveaway that Rachel and I are holding! Enter before the 14th and you can win loads of new Christmas decorations!! 
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