Whimsical Porch & Home Tour Link Up

I don't know if you have caught on yet or not but I've been apart of a Tour of Homes this week! It has been truly awesome and I am so glad that I was asked to participate! The tour is ending today and I highly encourage y'all to join us! Not only can you tour around and visit by going to Like A Saturday but you can also link up your Holiday Home Tour and Projects at the end of this post!! 

In my tour I shared a tiny bit of my new favorite spot. This tour motivated me to really get going on finishing up the house. I mean, it's been six months so it's about time! So I finally got around to making our back porch a porch rather than a garage :)

I think the #1 reason I love this space so much is these stunning windows! I found them over the summer at a thrift shop with my mom and sister. I saw one of the side lights sticking out behind a rack of clothes and knew I just had to have whatever it was! The guys working probably thought I was crazy because I had no purpose for these giant windows but for about $150 bucks I just had to have them!! Reed made a quick frame to hold them up, I sealed them with out door sealant and WA LA a stunning whimsical doorway to our yard :)

Next is this papasan chair and the burlap lights. I got the papasan at a thrift shop (surprise). It didn't have a pillow but for the price I couldn't pass it up! Then I about choked when I learned the price of cushions so I decided to make my own out of a drop cloth and $3 Walmart pillows :) You can check out that tutorial HERE.
But really I think what makes this space glow and seem so warm and cozy is the lights framing the window. I originally intended them to be nothing but Christmas decoration and just thought the porch needed that sparkle for the season. But shoot girl, I'm leaving these suckers up all year round! All I did was find an old dried out branch to hang from the ceiling, then tide burlap ribbon to it so it was just long enough to graze the floor. Then I took my white lights and draped them in the space in between. Pretty simple for how much fun it adds to the space!

Finally is this old box. It is actually an old farm box from Reeds family down in Charleston. It has the name of the farm, Sunny Side Farms, and is beautifully sturdy. Reed and I found it the other day going through some of his families storage and I just had to have it. This beauty didn't need to be in some storage container! Even though it is upside down I think it's a pretty rad "coffee table".

Well, thats the tour of my whimsical porch. I love it and everything is going to stay exactly the way it is. Well, maybe not my charlie brown style christmas tree even though I do love it :) 
I can't wait for some good ole warm southern days to cuddle up with my pup and a good book!

but enough about my home lets see some of yours!! Please share with me some of your rad house tours and Holiday projects! 

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