Whimsical Stump Chairs

Ok ok this is a bit late but I've been outside enjoying the weather and working on LOTS of projects. A week "off" from blogging wasn't planned but boy was it needed. But I'm ready to get back in to it and share some of the awesome-ness I've been up to lately.

Do you remember those stumps Reed brought home randomly back in January? Well I knew exactly what I wanted to do with them as soon as I saw them but needed a warm day to convince Reed to help me with it. I also needed time to collect the rest of my materials. Yep, I found some chair backs on the side of the road and they were perfect!

You also need a husband who is willing to spend a Saturday wielding a chainsaw and getting covered in dust while you brain storm the best way to hollow out a stump that weighs over 100 lbs. Reed is the genius that came up with cutting out legs, I was trying to figure out how to cut a circle in the bottom and that wasn't working in any kinda of good way. So our first stump is still super heavy and I don't think we can cut any more out with out destroying it totally, so  it may just turn in to a side table for the porch :) 

We just placed the chair backs on the stumps, marked where they hit and drilled angled holes that where the exact size of the rungs. Once we got them all set where they needed to be we enforced them with screws. 

And I'm gonna be honest, other than painting the green chair back I didn't do anything. Reed is so great at taking my crazy ideas and figuring out how to make them work. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't have any of the super cool projects finished. I'm excited to see how our back yard is transforming in to a place that I think we will really enjoy this spring and summer. I mean who wouldn't wanna eat dinner out under our big tree in these fun chairs! 

I still have to finish up a few things for the yard before I get these put in place and do a "back yard tour". But for now I hope y'all think they are as cool as I do!
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