Making Monday #35

Welcome to another fabulous Making Monday Party!

Thanks for joining in on the fun. Take a look around and be inspired to try something new!

This is a party where you can find fun new creative ideas and tasty recipes shared by amazingly talented people. Every Monday bloggers stop by to link up their posts and share with all you party goers. By joining in {both bloggers and non-bloggers} you will discover new blogs, be inspired to make something new, try a yummy new recipe, and most importantly make new friends!
This party is hosted by Gracie and me, and your projects will be shared on both of our blogs. We love that you're here and we love featuring you on our social media so be sure to follow us so you can see if your post gets shared!
We also pin to our Making Monday Pinterest board and we'd love to have you follow along! This is a place you can find projects from all the previous parties, too, so it is like a party every day!
We have a fabulous list of members of the Making Monday family lined up to share with you all the way until JULY! If you're interested in joining this awesome group of people send us an email ~ we would love to have you be a part of it.

This week's co-host is Janel at A Mom's Take! Welcome, Janel!

Janel would love to have you visit her blog. She has yummy recipes and lots of great home, holiday, and craft ideas.
This week she's sharing a tutorial to make these super cute Watercolor Mason Jars. I've seen these before and now I'm glad to know how to make my own. FeatureCoHost35WatercolorMasonJar

This is what your hostesses have been up to:

Are you looking for a great read? I reviewed two more books for my Books that I Love and Recommend series. Click on over to read Great Books #2.

I just spent a few days in NY because this piece of art ~ Translucent Memory {made completely out of packaging tape!!!} ~ is being featured at an art show!!! Click on over to read all about it and come back later this week to see some pictures from the trip :) 


These are the features from last week's party chosen by Lori~

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#1. Peanut Butter Cookies are one of my weaknesses ~ I'm pretty sure I could eat a whole batch all by myself! Maureen at Red Cottage Chronicles shares her recipe {that turned out soft, moist, chewy, and delicious even though she forgot to add an important ingredient!}.
#2. Mommy on Demand shares her Korean Beef that she had on the table in about 20 minutes. Quick, delicious, and Asian. What's not to love about that?
#3. Amy at Sews n Bows shares this adorable Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn Inspired Photo Shoot of her nephews. These just might be the cutest photos I've ever seen.
#4. Five weeks of spring cleaning is what Tanisha's Spring Cleaning Challenge is all about. Join me by clicking on over to My Knotted Life and following her series so we'll have an organized method for spring-cleaning our homes.
#5. With graduation just around the corner some of us just may need some great ideas for hosting or co-hosting a party. Rachel over at Like a Saturday shares her fun Black, White, and Metallic Graduation Party decorations and invitations.
#6. Anjanette at Momma Young is sharing her friend, Megan's, idea for Marbled Whipped Cream Easter eggs. It looks like great fun for kids and there's nothing toxic about it!
We would love for you to come enter the SPRING GIVEAWAY! << HERE>>
If you're one of our features PLEASE grab a button and share it on your blog!

Kitchen Table Art
And don't forget if you didn't make it as a feature this week to check out the Pin board and to keep linking up, next week could be you! 

Kitchen Table Art


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