The Boondocks Go City

Well, if you have been around my social media lately you have probably seen me mention something about Reed and I's trip to New York City, and an art show that is featuring one of my pieces. Basically I am super stoked and want to shout it from roof tops but instead have tried to keep myself some what contained via social media. Tomorrow at this time I will be cruising the streets of the Big Apple with my main man showing him everything that love about art, culture, and so much more!

I am blown away by this opportunity. I've been spoiled by my heavenly father, earthly father, family and friends. This trip is never something I would have planned, at least not on the income we have at the moment. Reed and I love traveling so I alway hoped I would have the chance to take him to NYC and show him what is going on in the art world, but he has never been super interested so I figured we would only do it if we became famous or rich and had extra money laying around. Well, we aren't famous or rich by any means but we are spoiled.

Back in November I was contacted by the Rye Arts Center, in Rye NY (about 30 minutes outside the city). They found my artist site (check it out HERE) and were interested in a few of my pieces for a show all about chairs. After emailing back and forth we landed on the piece "Translucent Memory" which is an antique bankers chair made completely out of packaging tape. My mind is blown that someone could be interested in my work based off of what they have seen online and that they would request it be shipped up for their show "Edge of the Seat".

I never really thought I would pursue Fine Art. I joked about how much I loved it but that I wouldn't "try to become a NY artist", I just don't want that life style. I said this all the time, "I'm not gonna try and put my work in NY but if it makes it there one day, GREAT!" And look what happened?! God took a time in my life that I felt totally alone and like no one wanted what I had to offer. Moving to a small town with no friends was so hard. As I'm sure you can imagine there aren't many artistic jobs close by and so I was feeling pretty worthless. But He used that time I had to myself to teach me that He listens. He knew that I wasn't fulfilled where I was and He took a dream that I never ever thought was attainable and gave it to me. Literally I did nothing, He gave this to me!

Now He has spoiled me even more by providing us with the help we needed to afford our flights, the help we needed to afford a nice hotel to get the real NYC experience. And He has even provided me with new clothes that make me feel beautiful and like I belong some place.

He is a generous God.
I hope that this time in NYC will be rejuvenating and inspiring. I hope that all that I say when I meet people and talk about my work is encouraging and giving all the glory to the Lord!

Be on the look out for an overload of pictures! Sorry I'm not gonna be sorry :)

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