Spring Parties

Ya know what I've been missing the most in life recently? 
Parties. Get togethers. BBQs. Fire pits.
Oh, tis the season. FINALLY! 
I've slowly been working on getting our yard ready for any spontaneous party, and we are almost there! 

It took me ages to find out door furniture. And really I didn't find anything that fit my budget and my style soooo Reed and I made some :) I painted this spool for a table, we made some super awesome whimsical chairs. And I've even stocked up on lots of glass ware

I think my favorite part about summer parties is that they can look amazing with minimal effort. I mean I'm pretty in love with this super simple lunch we had a few weeks ago. Picked a few fresh flowers, used my fabulous new Monogrammed Mason Jars from Personal Creations. They fit perfectly in with my glass pitcher and everyday china.  You can make any get together feel like a "party" by using real glasses and china instead of that fine plastic goodness. Obviously, I use paper and plastic at times, but when i want that extra oomph I pull out my pretties :)

I also leave white lights up all year round, that way when the sun goes down the party doesn't have to end! Just keep on filling up those mason jars and enjoy the twinkly lights :)

And Personal Creations has so much awesome-ness on their website that would be PERFECT for any out door party. What are some tricks y'all use to make your get togethers extra special during the spring and summer?
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PS! don't forget about the Spring Giveaway going on until Aril 14th! There are some totally awesome goodies that could help spruce up your spring. GIVEAWAY