failed friday

I tried to make curtains once...

Friday Friday Fridayyyyyy! In just a few days my brother and sister in law are coming to visit and bringing the most precious nephew in the whole world. I'm a bit excited!

So, of course visitors mean I'm spending my time trying to get all my little projects finished. Yep that means, all those half done things that I've been living with "until I get around to them" need to at least be looked at :)

Well, I made this "curtain", if you even wanna call it that, back in August I think. I just used no-sew tape, a drop cloth, and acrylic paint. Well, I would show you a tutorial but as you can see it hasn't held up very well...

I'm guessing no sew tape doesn't go well with yanking, or cold temperatures. Just recently, right after that arctic blast, the curtain decided to just fall apart. You could tell from the beginning that I didn't really "take my time" and do it correctly that seam was pretty wonky, and you can still see pencil marks from my sketch.

I like the idea behind the curtain so maybe this isn't a complete fail. I can probably salvage it with adding some weight to it with lining and I've got a sewing machine so I will be able actually sew it this time! Maybe ironing will help some too :)

Also, I felt a bit guilting for how "good" this part of our bedroom looked. It doesn't always look this way. Actually it hasn't ever looked this way until just now :) I've still got LOTS  to do to our bedroom as far as figuring out storage. Here is a picture of everything that usually sits below the window...

Yes that is a laundry hamper with clothes piled on top. Boots. Jackets. Bathrobes. Boot dryer. Space heater. Ya know, the works :)

Maybe one day I will get around to all these little half done projects. Sometimes it blows my mind that I can stay at home all the time and there are still projects like this in every room. I mean seriously, what do I do with my time?!

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An IMPERFECT Bathroom Renovation

Today is all about a project that has taken way to long to finish. In fact it isn't even finished yet, and to be totally honest it probably will never get finished to the standard I had in my head when we started.

BUT! that isn't super sad, it's actually what I am devoting my Fridays to this year. Yep my "failure Friday" starts TODAY, with our totally imperfect bathroom make over.

Reed and I needed to start this bathroom reno 1. because I hated the color, it was a pale yellow but made  everything look yellow and 2. because the shower walls decided to start falling off.

We visited Lowes and got new shower walls for just $70 and made sure we had all the glue and caulk we needed. And I figured this made a great excuse to paint the bathroom when I didn't have to worry about getting paint all over the place. I was aiming for a smooth ombre effect with the left over grey from the rest of the house/studio.

First, Reed pulled the old walls off and boy oh boy was there problems. Loads of old glue to scrape and then bad sheet rock around the faucet. Once Reed scraped off the glue and replaced the sheet rock he was ready to add the new walls. So he cut the walls to size, spread the glue and taped it to dry.

Sadly, apparently our window is no where near square so when Reed cut the walls it was a bit off. Ya know an inch between the bottom and top of the wall. Old houses blow my mind some times. 

And no pictures but the next day when we put the caulking on apparently 1 section of the wall decided to not really stick tight so there is a bubble... great. Right now we have a board attempting to push the air out of it! Oops :) 

And when Reed was doing the shower walls I decided to start my thought to be super easy grey paint job. I took my original paint color and painted a 12 inch strip. Then I added a half cup of white paint to make it a tint lighter. Then painted another 12 in strip. And to blend them together I used a dry paint brush and just smudged the two together. I continued this up for 6 strips and then white for the remainder of the wall. 

 Well, I failed. I was hoping for a beautifully soft gradient. Instead I got some crazy uneven stripes and then basically the same color the rest of the way up... It was a pretty big bummer and took all I had in me not to just give up on the idea. I'm hoping I can go back and fix it up... maybe another post in the future but for now our bathroom is a failed paint job FO SHO!

Please just tell me how I taped off the entire bathroom and still have about a bajillion of these bad paint spots?! Ugh, I always hate painting...

How many projects have you started thinking it would be uber easy only to find out it is going to take much longer, and maybe a bit more skill than you thought?

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